The Commercial Appeal

NYC to impose new vaccine mandate

Requiremen­t for all private sector employees

- Michelle L. Price and Karen Matthews

NEW YORK – All private employers in New York City will have to require their workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, the mayor announced Monday, imposing one of the most aggressive vaccine rules in the nation.

The move by Mayor Bill de Blasio comes as cases are climbing again in the U.S. and the worrisome omicron variant is gaining a toehold around the country.

“We in New York City have decided to use a preemptive strike to really do something bold to stop the further growth of COVID and the dangers it’s causing to all of us,” he said.

De Blasio, a Democrat, said the mandate will take effect Dec. 27.

Speaking on MSNBC’S “Morning Joe,” he said the move is aimed at staving off a spike of infections amid holiday gatherings and as cold weather drives more people indoors.

Mandates across states and cities vary widely, with some states resisting mandates and others requiring the shots for government employees or certain sectors, such as health care.

But most officials have not announced mandates reaching as far into

the private sector, nor mandates covering so many people.

De Blasio said he expects his new mandate to survive any legal challenges. A spokespers­on for the mayor said it will apply to roughly 184,000 businesses in the city, which has a population of 8.8 million.

Vaccinatio­ns are already required for hospital and nursing home workers and for city employees, including teachers, police officers and firefighters. A vaccinatio­n mandate for employees of private and religious schools was announced last week.

Also, the mayor announced that anyone 12 or older who wants to dine indoors at a restaurant, go to a gym or see a show will have to produce proof of receiving two shots of the vaccine, up from the current requiremen­t of one dose. In addition, proof of at least one shot will be required of children ages 5 to 11, de Blasio said.

De Blasio, who leaves office at the end of the month and has indicated he may seek the nomination for governor of New York next year, has sought to portray himself as a national leader in the fight against COVID-19.

As de Blasio departs, Democrat Eric Adams is due to be sworn into office. Evan Thies, a spokesman for Adams, said in a statement that the mayorelect “will evaluate this mandate and other COVID strategies when he is in office and make determinat­ions based on science, efficacy and the advice of health profession­als.”

Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin of Long Island, who is seeking the GOP nomination for governor, called the newly announced vaccine requiremen­t a “job-killing, small business-suppressin­g mandate.”

“When you dangerousl­y combine a far-left, lame duck politician, who is anti-business, one-dimensiona­l, unaccounta­ble, not bright and has a perpetual ‘I always know best’ attitude, you get Bill de Blasio, the Worst Mayor in America,” Zeldin said in a statement.

 ?? AP ?? Mayor Bill de Blasio said the mandate is aimed at staving off infections amid holiday gatherings and as cold weather drives more people indoors.
AP Mayor Bill de Blasio said the mandate is aimed at staving off infections amid holiday gatherings and as cold weather drives more people indoors.

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