The Commercial Appeal

Bipartisan deal near on COVID-19 aid package

Price tag whittled from $15.6B billion to $10B

- Alan Fram

WASHINGTON – Lawmakers moved to the brink Thursday of shaking hands on a bipartisan compromise to provide a fresh $10 billion to combat COVID-19, a deal that could set up final congressio­nal approval next week.

The price tag was a reduction from an earlier $15.6 billion agreement between the two parties that fell apart weeks ago after House Democrats rejected cuts in pandemic aid to states to help pay for it. Leaders are hoping to move the package through Congress quickly.

The effort, which would finance steps like vaccines, treatments and tests, comes as President Joe Biden and other Democrats have warned the government is running out of money to counter the pandemic.

“We’ve reached an agreement in principle on all the spending and all of the offsets,” Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, the lead Republican bargainer, told reporters, using Washington-speak for savings. “It’s entirely balanced by offsets.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., was more circumspec­t.

“We are getting close to a final agreement that would garner bipartisan support,” he said on the Senate floor. He said lawmakers were still finalizing the bill’s components and language, and awaiting a cost estimate from the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office.

Sen. Patty Murray, D-wash., chair of the Senate health committee and another bargainer, said, “I’m hoping,” when asked about Romney’s assessment.

Many Republican­s have been willing to go along with the new expenditur­es but have insisted on paying for it with unspent funds from previous bills Congress has enacted to address the pandemic. In early March, Biden had requested $22.5 billion in new COVID-19 spending, an amount lawmakers gradually whittled down as they negotiated over how to finance it.

Leaders hope Congress can approve the legislatio­n before lawmakers leave for a spring recess after next week.

Republican­s have leverage in the Democratic-controlled, 50-50 Senate because 60 votes are needed to pass most major bills. Romney and Sen. Roy Blunt, R-MO., both said they believed a finalized package they described would likely attract significantly more than the 10 GOP votes needed.

Earlier Thursday, Senate Republican Leader Mitch Mcconnell said the measure’s price tag seemed to have fallen to $10 billion and Schumer suggested its cost would fall.

“It’s still kind of a work in progress, but as of late last night, it appeared as if that would be skinnying down from 15 to 10,” Mcconnell, R-KY., said in an interview with Punchbowl News.

Minutes later, Schumer took to the Senate floor and suggested a similar outlook, though he mentioned no figures.

“I’m pleading with my Republican colleagues, join us,” Schumer said. “We want more than you do, but we have to get something done.”

Asked if he thought an agreement could be reached before lawmakers’ recess, Mcconnell said, “We’ll see. Hope so.”

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP ?? Asked if an agreement might be reached before lawmakers’ recess, Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell said, “We’ll see. Hope so.”
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP Asked if an agreement might be reached before lawmakers’ recess, Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell said, “We’ll see. Hope so.”

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