The Commercial Appeal

Court upholds Puerto Ricans’ exclusion

Vote 8-1 that residents are ineligible for benefits

- Mark Sherman

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court has upheld the differential treatment of residents of Puerto Rico, ruling that Congress was within its power to exclude them from a benefits program that’s available in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The court held by an 8-1 vote Thursday that making Puerto Ricans ineligible for the Supplement­al Security Income program, which provides benefits to older, disabled and blind Americans, did not unconstitu­tionally discrimina­te against them.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, whose parents were born in Puerto Rico, was the lone dissenter.

Writing for the court, Justice Brett Kavanaugh said the court was bound by a pair of earlier rulings that already upheld the federal law that created SSI and excluded Puerto Rico and other U.S. territorie­s from it. Congress later added in the Mariana Islands.

Puerto Rico has been a U.S. territory since the Spanish American War in 1898, and its residents are U.S. citizens, but they have no vote for president or representa­tion in Congress. They also do not pay federal income tax.

Kavanaugh wrote that “just as not every federal tax extends to residents of Puerto Rico, so too not every federal benefits program extends to residents of Puerto Rico.”

In dissent, Sotomayor responded, “In my view, there is no rational basis for Congress to treat needy citizens living anywhere in the United States so differently from others. To hold otherwise, as the Court does, is irrational and antithetic­al to the very nature of the SSI program and the equal protection of citizens guaranteed by the Constituti­on. I respectful­ly dissent.”

The decision outraged many in Puerto Rico including Gov. Pedro Pierluisi, who said statehood is the only solution to Puerto Rico’s second-class status.

“The decision … once again confirms that the territoria­l status of Puerto Rico is discrimina­tory for the island’s U.S. citizens and allows Congress to do what it wants with us,” he said in a statement.

Pierluisi noted that Puerto Rico also receives unequal treatment when it comes to Medicaid, Medicare and other federal programs.

Jose Luis Vaello-madero, the Puerto Rico resident at the center of the case, began receiving SSI payments after he suffered a series of strokes while living in New York.

The payments continued to his bank account in New York even after he moved back to Puerto Rico. When he notified the Social Security Administra­tion, the payments stopped and then the government sued to recover more than $28,000 it said he was not entitled to.

Lower courts sided with Vaello-madero, ruling that the exclusion of Puerto Rico from the SSI program is unconstitu­tional. In a similar case in Guam, a federal judge ruled recently that residents of that Pacific island also should be able to collect SSI.

The Justice Department first filed its appeal of a ruling by the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals during the Trump administra­tion.

 ?? MARIAM ZUHAIB/AP FILE ?? The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that making Puerto Ricans ineligible for the Supplement­al Security Income program did not unconstitu­tionally discrimina­te against them.
MARIAM ZUHAIB/AP FILE The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that making Puerto Ricans ineligible for the Supplement­al Security Income program did not unconstitu­tionally discrimina­te against them.

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