The Commercial Appeal



25 years ago — 1997

There was the affair, the divorce, the baby and the wedding, in that order. And now, Donald Trump and trophy wife Marla Maples announced they have reached the end. The couple, whose off-and-on romance of almost a decade created oceans of tabloid ink, have amicably separated after nearly 31⁄2 years of marriage. The Donald and his second wife announced their decision Friday in a two-sentence statement. “After a long relationsh­ip and a 31⁄2-year marriage, we have decided to separate, as friends,” the joint statement read.

50 years ago — 1972

BOSTON – Vida Blue, the Oakland A’s young southpaw pitching sensation, got a whopping pay increase Tuesday as he ended a long holdout and signed a 1972 contract.

Blue, who received $14,750 last year as he won the American League’s Most Valuable Player and Cy Young awards in his first full season with the A’s, signed an agreement for $63,000. He originally asked $115,000, then lowered his demands to $92,000.

75 years ago — 1947

The Boy Scout Circus scheduled for 8 last night at Crump Stadium will be held at 8 Monday night at the stadium, W.L. Sharpe, president of the Chickasaw Council of Boy Scouts, said last night. A committee of top Scout officials decided on the postponeme­nt at 6:45 last night after waiting hopefully for a break in the weather.

100 years ago — 1922

JACKSON, Miss. – A knockout if not permanent death was the portion meted to the $100,000 damage suit brought by Miss Frances C. Birkhead against Gov. Leo Russell today, when

Judge Edwin R. Holmes sustained the motion to dismiss the case on the ground that the suit was laid on the wrong venue.

The court held that the suit should have been filed either in the Oxford division — the northern district of Mississipp­i — or in the New Orleans district of


125 years ago — 1897

The ferry steamer Bryan today took 35 families and 100 head of horses and mules to Wyanoke, Ark., and 100 people and 108 head of livestock to Presidents Island. All have been refugees from the flood.

 ?? THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL FILES ?? May 31, 2016: Ellis Brown sees what kind of orangutan she would make while playing at the primate exhibit.
THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL FILES May 31, 2016: Ellis Brown sees what kind of orangutan she would make while playing at the primate exhibit.

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