The Commercial Appeal

No one can match the biography of Jesus Christ

- Billy Graham

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why do people continue to doubt the validity of Jesus, His history, and claims when it has stood the test of time? As a seminary student, it’s discouragi­ng to hear Bible professors question God’s truth. I know the truth for myself, but I wish I could be more articulate in my responses when this subject continues to surface.

– D.J.

A: No one can match the biography of Jesus Christ. He was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. He shed His blood to purchase lost souls. He died on a cross and rose from the dead. He was so poor he said of Himself that He had nowhere to lay His head. His only pocketbook was the mouth of a fish. He rode on another man’s beast. He cruised the lake in another man’s boat. He was buried in another man’s grave.

He never founded a college to perpetuate his doctrines; yet His teachings have endured for over 2,000 years, and all the words that have been written about Him would fill a thousand Congressio­nal libraries. He never studied medicine, yet He healed the sick. And the world still rejected Him.

Today even the calendar speaks of His death. Why isn’t the calendar dated from Mohammed’s flight, or from Buddha’s birth? Because Jesus is the only One who has ever died for mankind. But He did not remain dead; He was raised to life and the power of His resurrecti­on changed the world forever! Life for many people has lost its purpose and meaning. People are bored and fed up; they have no zest for living. But if they’ll submit to Jesus Christ, He’ll make them new. He will redeem what has been lost and will revive those who have no hope. The power of Christ’s resurrecti­on saves and redeems. Jesus is the only way to life everlastin­g (John 14:6).

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