The Commercial Appeal

Haiti’s struggle worsens since leader’s slaying

UN: In May, more than 200 killings, 198 abductions

- Evens Sanon and Dánica Coto

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – A year has passed since President Jovenel Moïse was assassinat­ed at his private home where an elite security team was supposed to protect him. Not only have authoritie­s failed to identify and arrest all those who mastermind­ed and financed the killing, but Haiti has gone into a freefall as violence soars and the economy tumbles.

Many have fled Haiti in the past year, making potentiall­y deadly voyages aboard rickety boats filled with hundreds of Haitians who have repeatedly turned up on the shores of nearby nations. They chose to face that risk rather than go hungry and fear for their lives, as do many people who have stayed behind.

“Every day is a fight. It’s a fight to stay alive. It’s a fight to eat. It’s a fight to survive,” said Hector Duval, a plumber who now drives a motorcycle taxi to make more money since Haitians are afraid to board slow-moving buses and chance being killed by warring gangs.

Killings have soared and thousands of families have been driven from their homes by gangs battling over territory ever since Moïse was shot to death last July 7 at his home near the capital, Portau-prince.

An overwhelme­d government is struggling to crack down on the gangs and reduce a spike in kidnapping­s linked to them. At the same time, attempts to form a coalition government have faltered in recent weeks and efforts to hold general elections have stalled, leaving many wondering where Haiti is headed.

Prime Minister Ariel Henry has promised to create a new provisiona­l council to organize general elections, but that hasn’t happened. There hasn’t been a Parliament because the government failed to organize elections in 2019, and Moïse dismissed most lawmakers in early 2020 and ruled by decree for more than a year before he was killed.

Meanwhile, hopes for trials of those arrested in the assassinat­ion have been derailed by the resignatio­n of four judges appointed to oversee the investigat­ion,

with some saying they feared for their lives.

Henry himself has recognized the uncertaint­y hovering over the case. Last month, he tweeted: “I have the unpleasant feeling that those who conceived and financed this macabre plan are still running the streets and are still escaping our judicial system.”

Speaking at a event last week, he expressed “my determinat­ion to encourage, relentless­ly, the pursuit of the investigat­ion until its conclusion.” As he spoke, hundreds of Moïse supporters marched through the capital toward the house where he was killed chanting, “Jo, Jo, we will never forget you!”

More than 40 people have been arrested in Haiti, including high-ranking police officers and a group of former Colombian soldiers. At least two of three suspects detained outside Haiti were extradited to the U.S., where they face charges including conspiring to commit murder or kidnapping outside the United States.

Many of the soldiers’ relatives in Colombia are demanding a proper judicial process and an improvemen­t in dire

prison conditions.

“A lot of time there is no food, no potable water,” Nataly Andrade, wife of retired Col. Giovanny Guerrero, told The Associated Press. She visited him in prison in May and was alarmed at how much weight he had lost. In recent weeks, at least eight inmates in southern Haiti, not connected to the Moïse case, have died from heat and malnutriti­on.

The United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti noted that the investigat­ion seems to have stalled and called on authoritie­s to bring those responsibl­e to justice as soon as possible.

“Since this crime was committed, growing insecurity, linked to the proliferat­ion of acts of violence committed by armed gangs, has terrorized Haitian citizens and monopolize­d public debate in a context where the challenges facing the country are increasing day by day,” it said.

Moïse’s widow, Martine, issued a statement this month saying she would not attend any of Thursday’s commemorat­ions organized by the Haitian state, “whose head of government is the subject of serious suspicions of (involvemen­t in) the assassinat­ion of the President of the Republic.”

Henry has brushed away those allegation­s, but fired a chief prosecutor last year who asked a judge to charge the prime minister in the killing and bar him from leaving the country. The prosecutor noted that Henry spoke twice with a key suspect hours after the killing.

Henry’s office has said the prime minister is unable to identify everyone who called him that day or determine the nature of the conversati­ons since he couldn’t take all the calls. The suspect remains at large.

Henry is urging Haitians to focus on turning around their country.

“It is imperative that Haitians work together to reconcile segments of our society that are too divided,” he said. “This is a must if we want to restore security, deal with armed gangs and their sponsors, create a climate conducive to the holding of elections with a high turnout, in order to rebuild our democratic institutio­ns.”

But a growing number of Haitians blame Henry for the growing insecurity.

The United Nations says that almost seven kidnapping­s are reported a day and that in May alone more than 200 killings and 198 abductions were reported in the country of more than 11 million people. Those kidnapping­s included two busloads of children and three U.N. employees and their dependents. One gang recently seized control of part of Haiti’s Court of First Instance, looting and burning case files and evidence.

“Even though we have a prime minister, no one is governing the country right now,” Ralf Jean-pierre, a businessma­n from Les Cayes who lives in Port-auprince, said as he scanned the street while talking, fearful he might be kidnapped at any moment.

He said life for him and his family has become extremely difficult because he can’t ferry goods such as bananas, yams and tomatoes that grow in southern Haiti to the capital since warring gangs have taken over the main road connecting the two regions.

Haitians have fled in huge numbers – the largest single example in late May, when 842 Haitians were stranded on the Cuban coast after their captain abandoned the boat. Hundreds of others have landed in Florida, while dozens have died at sea in recent months.

 ?? ODELYN JOSEPH/AP ?? Artists paint a portrait of slain Haitian President Jovenel Moise on Thursday near the presidenci­al residence where he was assassinat­ed in the Petion-ville area of Port-au-prince, Haiti.
ODELYN JOSEPH/AP Artists paint a portrait of slain Haitian President Jovenel Moise on Thursday near the presidenci­al residence where he was assassinat­ed in the Petion-ville area of Port-au-prince, Haiti.

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