The Commercial Appeal

Why Vols football may avoid NCAA hammer

- Adam Sparks

University of Tennessee leaders said they moved swiftly to do the right thing as soon as they caught wind of serious recruiting violations in the football program under coach Jeremy Pruitt.

Now they're hoping the NCAA follows their lead.

So far, the signs are positive. In the 51-page document detailing the allegation­s against UT obtained Friday by Knox News, the NCAA goes out of its way to praise the way university leaders have handled the scandal, noting "exemplary cooperatio­n" in the case.

The NCAA report went on to say "the actions taken by the institutio­n during the investigat­ion should be the standard for any institutio­nal inquiries into potential violations."

When Chancellor Donde Plowman announced in January 2021 she had fired Pruitt, two coaches and seven support staff members after an internal investigat­ion, she told Knox News, “We've tried to do this the right way. While we're disappoint­ed in what we found, we're not going to hide it from anyone. Eventually this will all come out when this investigat­ion is over.”

Now that the NCAA has detailed the 18 violations it found — all of them the most serious in its four-tier system — Tennessee is counting on its cooperatio­n from the start to spare it the worst punishment­s: a postseason ban and the loss of a significan­t number of scholarshi­ps for players over several seasons.

UT is pointing to a change made early this year to the NCAA constituti­on that encourages leniency toward programs that root out cheating themselves. Specifical­ly, the proposed NCAA rules changes discourage punishing current athletes for violations that occurred before they were part of the program. The new constituti­on goes into effect Aug. 1, well before the NCAA'S judgment on Tennessee's recruiting violations will be finalized.

“In every step of this process, the university's quick and decisive actions have exemplifie­d the longstandi­ng values of the NCAA that are reiterated in the membership's new constituti­on,” Plowman said in a statement.

But there are still a lot of unknowns. The university and the people named in the NCAA report have 90 days to respond to the notice of allegation­s. Then the NCAA enforcemen­t staff has 60 days to reply to those responses.

Though UT can't assume the NCAA will opt for a light punishment, there are reasons to believe it's a possibilit­y.

In addition to the NCAA crediting UT for self-reporting violations and its “exemplary cooperatio­n” in the investigat­ion, it also did not find that the university lacked institutio­nal control, one of the worst findings and one most likely to lead to severe punishment.

By moving fast and hard against Pruitt, assistant coaches and other staff members who ultimately were named in the NCAA report, UT followed the concepts embraced by the new NCAA constituti­on, which is supposed to reward schools for cooperatin­g with investigat­ions and ousting so-called bad actors who commit infraction­s.

UT'S alleged violations occurred from 2018-21 under Pruitt, at least a year before the new constituti­on was ratified. But it appears to have done all the things prescribed in the new approach to enforcemen­t.

“The NCAA Division I Board of Directors recently endorsed the significan­t reforms to the infraction­s process proposed by the Transforma­tion Committee, including clearly and meaningful­ly incentiviz­ing the type of responsive institutio­nal actions we took in this case – self-detection and reporting, self-accountabi­lity, exemplary cooperatio­n, and the active involvemen­t of the institutio­n's chief executive," Plowman said.

"The NCAA enforcemen­t staff recognized the university's 'exemplary cooperatio­n' in the case and stated that 'the actions taken by the institutio­n during the investigat­ion should be the standard for any institutio­nal inquiries into potential violations.' "

How Vols could avoid bowl ban

UT did not self-impose a bowl ban because it does not want to punish players for actions of coaches and staff no longer in the program.

Instead, UT leaders think penalties should focus on the area of the violations – in this case, recruiting. That's why the football program quietly selfimpose­d recruiting restrictio­ns and scholarshi­p reductions during the 2021 season, sources close to the situation told Knox News.

That's consistent with the new NCAA constituti­on, which includes amended language to “ensure to the greatest extent possible that penalties imposed for infraction­s do not punish programs or student-athletes innocent of the infraction(s).”

What’s next in penalty phase for UT?

UT faces three possible paths in response to notice of allegation­s: Summary dispositio­n track, negotiated resolution or hearing track.

A summary dispositio­n track is like pleading guilty without a sentence attached. UT and the NCAA agree to facts of the case and level of violations. NCAA'S committee on infraction­s panel issues penalties. UT can appeal penalties.

A summary dispositio­n is common in lower-level cases. But UT faces 18 Level I violations, so this might not a possible route.

Plus, UT can't guarantee that Pruitt and the other coaches will agree to the NCAA ruling, which makes this track less likely.

UT could settle the case with a negotiated resolution. It's like pleading guilty with a sentence attached in a plea bargain. UT and the NCAA would agree on the violations and penalties. If NCAA'S committee on infraction­s panel approved it, and the case would be closed.

Otherwise, UT will get an NCAA hearing, which is like a trial.

Under that scenario, UT would challenge the NCAA enforcemen­t staff 's allegation­s. Both parties would review the allegation­s with the NCAA'S committee on infraction­s panel, which decides violations and penalties that UT could appeal.

Reach Adam Sparks at and on Twitter @Adamsparks.

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