The Commercial Appeal

Everyone experience­s failures, disappoint­ments

- Billy Graham Columnist

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I am a pretty positive person when I’m by myself. It’s when I get with others and see what they have and how they enjoy life that I become miserable, so much so that I have thoughts of ending it all. I can’t seek help from my parents because my mother is an alcoholic and my father comes and goes. I don’t have money to seek profession­al help, so where do I turn for direction?

– H.L.

A: There is a great deal said in the 21st century about the importance of selfconfid­ence, but the reality is that we must place less confidence in ourselves and put all of our confidence in Almighty God. Everyone experience­s failures and disappoint­ments. Many grow up in troubled homes. No one escapes troubled times – it’s part of living in this world. Thoughts of suicide come from Satan and the Bible tells us not to give him a foothold. When people begin to have these thoughts it is critically important to seek help, because there is help – and most certainly there is hope in God. Turning to Him with our every problem and need is the first step, because He, more than any other, knows our weaknesses and our grief and despair. The Bible tells us that the Lord cares for His own. The most important decision is not to take our lives into our own hands but rather let God take control of our lives and cleanse us from all sin so that He can bring joy, comfort, and peace to our hearts. Jesus Christ came into this world for this purpose: to restore our relationsh­ip to Him. As we commit our lives to God, He forgives us, transforms us, and adopts us into His family. He becomes our daily companion and friend.

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