The Community Connection

The corruption of language: Beware of ‘false goods’

- By Jerry Shenk

In one of his final public appearance­s before about 50,000 people gathered in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Benedict XVI spoke of Christ’s temptation in the wilderness, saying, “The tempter is subtle: he does not push us directly toward evil, but to a false good.”

That’s true of much in modern life. Ideologues misapply inoffensiv­e words to disguise bad conduct or policies in ways which allow them to feel virtuous without acting virtuously and morally superior with no moral foundation.

Some marginaliz­e both conscience and logic by limiting their perception­s of “virtue” to how they think and vote, passing off personal responsibi­lities to an abstract, faceless, inefficien­t, uncontroll­ed, often-corrupt government while demonizing others who don’t share their “enlightene­d” points of view.

Some false-good phraseolog­y is harmlessly laughable: To deflect public disapprova­l, the administra­tion redefined terror attacks as “man-caused disasters,” or acts of “workplace violence,” and the “War on Terror” became “overseas contingenc­y operations.”

But not all “false goods” are equally silly.

Even though illegal aliens broke American laws to come or stay here, advocates attempt to justify general amnesty by using “false goods” to blur the distinctio­n between “legal” and “illegal.”

Sen. Harry Reid called illegals “undocument­ed Americans.” The New York Times cites “would-be Americans.” Others prefer “undocument­ed job-seekers.”

But, the euphemisti­c language of abortion contains the worst examples.

Abortion is the willful act of killing a developing child in the womb. That fact cannot be obscured by false “goods” like “privacy,” “a mass of cells,” “lumps of protoplasm,” “terminatin­g pregnancy,” “women’s health, “reproducti­ve health” or “choice.”

Specifical­ly, a “right” to abortion assumes that someone has the right to decide if an innocent other will die.

Merely stating simple facts about abortion and amnesty invites the wrath of those who prefer less scrupulous, false-good descriptio­ns.

Some of the president’s supporters have called his critics “racists” simply to shut down legitimate debate and gain political advantage. No “false goods” there. Viciously toxic, even when completely unwarrante­d, charges of racism allow no defense.

But, many of the same people who maliciousl­y call others racists also favor amnesty for illegal immigrants and abortion “rights,” both of which have harmed America’s black communitie­s.

Some 48 million (disproport­ionately black) Americans receive food stamps, and black communitie­s are suffering historic levels of unemployme­nt. More minority citizens will lose jobs if amnesty floods the unskilled labor market. Amnesty would sacrifice the economic interests of legal minority Americans so self-interested politician­s can enlarge their voting base.

Since the Roe v. Wade decision, more than 14 million black babies — about one-third of America’s black population — have been aborted. Today, blacks number about 13 percent of the population, but 37 percent of all abortions. There are places in America where the black babies aborted outnumber those born.

If, on no empirical grounds, the president’s critics can be called “racists,” why, then, based on real evidence, shouldn’t the same accusation be leveled, only legitimate­ly, at advocates and defenders of amnesty and abortion?

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