The Community Connection

Black-robed bandits strike again

- Lowman S. Henry Columnist

The outcome was as predictabl­e as the ending to a Hallmark Christmas movie. The Supreme “Court” of Pennsylvan­ia ruled against a legislativ­e resolution that would have ended Gov. Tom Wolf’s emergency disaster declaratio­n over the COVID-19 pandemic and with it the unchecked dictatoria­l powers he has assumed.

Using a little-known law designed to provide the governor with the ability to cope with natural disasters such as floods or tornados, Wolf has for months been issuing various “orders” generally controllin­g every aspect of societal activity under the guise of fighting coronaviru­s.

Wolf and Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine acted without consulting legislativ­e leaders or affected stakeholde­rs. This pushed lawmakers into passing repeated bills aimed at loosening the choke hold the governor placed upon businesses. Each met with a veto. Finally, exasperate­d and out of options the Legislatur­e in a bipartisan vote exercised what was viewed as the nuclear option and passed a resolution revoking the emergency declaratio­n. The language of the law giving legislator­s the power to end such declaratio­ns is clear.

However, the Supreme “Court” of Pennsylvan­ia is constraine­d by neither statute nor the state’s constituti­on. It is populated not by jurists who seek to interpret and apply the law but rather by activists bent on achieving political goals through judicial fiat.

The balance was tipped in 2015 when three seats on the court were up for election. The Republican Party was asleep at the switch as labor unions and their allies amassed millions and effectivel­y bought control of the high court with a 5-2 Democratic majority.

An aura of judicial impartiali­ty has been spun by the legal profession for generation­s, but the fact is courts have a partisan and an ideologica­l bent. Some hide it better than others. The current justices of the Pennsylvan­ia Supreme “Court” make no attempt to do so. This has been the most activist, hyperparti­san court in state history.

That much became evident early in 2018 when the Democratic justices, reversing an earlier ruling by the same court, deemed Pennsylvan­ia’s congressio­nal district lines unconstitu­tional. At least one of the justices, David Wecht, had campaigned for his seat on the bench calling for just such a ruling. Despite that blatant breach of judicial ethics, the ruling stood and the justices ran roughshod over the Legislatur­e, imposing new congressio­nal district lines by judicial decree.

Then legislativ­e leaders blinked. Rather than impeach the offending justices, they let the situation stand. So the politicall­y charged bench remained in place, ready to trample the state constituti­on the next time it suited their purpose.

And so it was that exercising their King’s Bench power to pluck the emergency declaratio­n case from the lower courts the justices came to Wolf’s rescue, ironically, in effect, making him king until he decides to voluntaril­y relinquish his emergency powers. Any vestige of checks and balances has been extinguish­ed in Pennsylvan­ia. For the time being at least, Wolf can continue to exercise dictatoria­l control over every subject in Pennsylvan­ia.

So what can be done?

In the short term, not much. However, a proposed constituti­onal amendment giving the General Assembly the power to bring an end to gubernator­ial emergency declaratio­ns has already passed the state Senate. It needs concurrenc­e in the state House. The amendment then must be approved by both bodies in the next session of the Legislatur­e when it convenes in January. Following that it must be approved by voters in a statewide referendum. The earliest that could happen would be May of 2021.

But also on the ballot in 2021 will be at least one seat on the state Supreme “Court,” as well as seats on the Commonweal­th and Superior courts. A number of seats will be up for a yes or no retention vote. Voters can kick activist jurists off the courts. They should also pay close attention to the candidates who vie for those seats next November.

By taking these steps, We the People can begin to reclaim the liberty stolen from us by the black-robed bandits of the Pennsylvan­ia Supreme “Court” who have nullified our system of checks and balances and handed unbridled dictatoria­l power to the executive branch.

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