The Community Post

Local man makes large donation to Joint Township District Memorial Hospital


When it comes to healthcare, time can be of the utmost importance in some circumstan­ces. For Joint Township District Memorial Hospital patients, a recent donation is helping to enhance their capabiliti­es.

“The stereotact­ic breast biopsy equipment is an enhancemen­t or an upgrade, to our 3-D mammograph­y system we have,” said Julie Jacobs, Executive Director of the JTD Hospital Foundation.

The donation came from Mr. William Braun, in honor and memory of his wife Cheryl (Stucke) Braun. The Braun’s had planned on traveling during their retirement, but those plans sadly didn’t play out.

“Cheryl was a long time employee and she passed away last year. God bless them, they had saved their money for retirement, they were looking at travel,” said Jacobs. She said that Braun decided not to travel because his wife wouldn’t be with him, so he reached out to the hospital and asked if there were any active campaigns they were raising funds for.

“He said he wanted to give back to the community, and knew how much she loved working here, and the people,” said Jacobs before continuing. “He said he knew that donating would be something she would be overjoyed with.”

According to a press release by the hospital, “The new stereotact­ic breast biopsy equipment will be instrument­al in expanding diagnostic capabiliti­es, reducing waiting times, and ultimately saving lives.” Jacobs said that being able to be screened locally, instead of traveling, is a big benefit of the equipment once fundraisin­g is complete.

“If a woman comes in and has a mammograph­y with a discrepanc­y, or an issue that the doctor sees and want to do a biopsy, they can have the biopsy done here,” said Jacobs. She said that not having to wait, means that treatment can start sooner if needed.

“If it turns out to be nothing, thats less time that the woman and family has to be anxious, worried, or concerned,” said Jacobs.

Braun’s donation will go a long way towards purchasing the equipment.

“This will cover a large majority of the system. About three-quarters, and we have about $30,000 more to raise,” said Jacobs. She said that if anyone wants to make a contributi­on, they can do so by reaching out to the JTD Hospital Foundation.

“It’s a great way to honor and remember his wife. To be able to give back to others, that’s what they’re all about. It was never about themselves, it was about helping others,” said Jacobs.

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