The Community Post

Bergman: From out of our past


Note: This column is created from the archives of the Minster Community Post by Minster Historical.

100 Years Ago June 1, 1923

Representa­tives of some of the largest manufactur­ing concerns in the US – Came to Minster to learn about the great merits of a new drill press. – The men at the local company’s plant have built a new drill press that they have felt sure will be one of the most marketable articles that the trade journalist will write about in the future.

The north park in Minster never looked prettier since the space was created into a public beauty spot than it does now. The men who have charge of public work have been spending considerab­le time in trimming up the shrubbery leveling off the rough spots.

75 Years Ago May 28, 1948

Officers of the Minster prize winning FFA chapter include Daryl Sharp, advisor; Donald Poeppelman, sentinel; Alfred Lehmkuhl, president; Jerome Osterloh, reporter; Marvin Buehler, secretary; Thomas Bensman, vice president; Leonard Wuebker, treasurer. The Minster chapter will receive an award of $75 and a bronze plaque for dairy program improvemen­t at the FFA state convention. A special Boy Scout court of honor, with one award going to Minster that is the first of its kind ever presented in Auglaize County, will be held here next Wednesday. The attendance award now held by Minster Troop 44 will go to the troop having the largest percentage of Boy Scouts present.

Minster Boy Scout Building Going Up – Foundation was poured for the 32 by 24-foot building to be erected by the Minster Boy Scouts troop fronting the village storage barn on East fourth street. When more money is available a 10 by 24-foot addition will be added at each end of the building with patrol and storage rooms and rest rooms provided.

Misses Alvina Frierott and Rogene Laut spent the weekend in Chicago and met Miss Rose Tronicino, recently discharged from the army at Denver Co. who accompanie­d them to Minster while in rout to Clarksvill­e, W. VA.

Vernon (Bud) Sommer of the class of ’37 was elected president of the Minster High School Alumni associatio­n at the reception at the Wonder Bar. Donald Hoying was named as vice president; Patti Morsey Schnelle, secretary; Louis Friemering Heyne, treasurer, and Fred Sommer trustee.

50 Years Ago May 31, 1973

The Minster Jaycees held their year-end awards banquet and inaugurati­on last Friday at the Wooden Shoe. Highlights of the evening was the awarding of the Jaycee of the Year Award, presented to Dan Addington. Other awards presented were: Outstandin­g Project of the Year, Community Picnic, Gary Oldiges, Mike Goubeaux and Dan Addington.

Minster’s Wildcats closed out a fine season with a solid 6-3 victory over Versailles for the Tri-County League Championsh­ip. Seniors Jake Boerger and Bill Thobe led the way to the victory. Boerger who won the batting trophy with a .464 average.

The 2nd Annual Fort Recovery Practice Tractor Pull will be held at Ambassador Park. New Tractors, new drivers, Modifieds, old favorites and veterans from all over Ohio and Indiana will be pulling and testing their tractor for the big season starting.

Hire a Cheerleade­r – Wanted: Part-time jobs. The Minster cheerleade­r are seeking odd jobs for the summer months to raise enough money to attend a cheerleadi­ng camp to improve their skills and raising the team and crowd spirit.

Minster Commenceme­nt held on Sunday saw eightyfour seniors graduate.

The commenceme­nt took place at the high school following Baccalaure­ate at St. Augustine’s Church. The main remarks were delivered by Valedictor­ian, Elizabeth Eiting, Mr. Knapke, superinten­dent of schools, and Mr. Lewis McPeek, County Superinten­dent of Schools.

Memorial Day services were held on Saturday evening following the seven o’clock mass. The groups assembled in front of St. Augustine following mass and marched to the cemetery. The program concluded with the St. Augustine Men’s Choir singing “God Bless America”.

2000 to 2007 Newspaper recently added to Minster Historical Society Website.

Please go online and read Recent Additions. May 30, 2002 Building in Limbo – The historic elementary building will be empty when the new middle school is competed

16 Minster High School students traveled to Ohio Northern to complete in TEAM (Test of Engineerin­g Aptitude, Math and Science).

Kerri Seger, daughter of Vern and Diana Seger, competed at State Science Fair and came away a winner.

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