The Community Post

Bergman: From out of our past


Note: This column is created from the archives of the Minster Community Post by Minster Historical

100 Years Ago June 8, 1923

Wapak’s Accident – Last Saturday night was indeed a most sensationa­l one – Bridge gave way under the weight of an immense Cadillac machine.

Property owners along the proposed improvemen­t from Minster to Loramie, on the Shelby County end have expressed a desire that the road be of brick constructi­on. The Auglaize County portion of the road which is known as the St. Marys – Piqua Pike, will not be built, according to a statement made by the officials of this county.

Another firey cross is burned on Brooklyn avenue in Est Sidney Saturday Evening.

The members of the Minster council had a business interview with postmaster Karl Sherman concerning the matter of erecting street signs at various places about the village before the installati­on of the free city mail delivery service here.

Mr. Anton Knapke has decided to discontinu­e his labors as a school man and to enter the firld of commercial activity. He has become interested in the business affairs of the Moeller-Herr Lumber Company which is one of the leading enterprise­s at Wapakoneta.

75 Years Ago June 4, 1948

Canal Problem is “Aired” at New Bremen Meeting – The question was fully aired, New Bremen citizens declaring necessary for something being done to alleviate the stench and mosquito nuisance which occurs each summer. It was recommende­d an earthen dam be constructe­d in the canal south of New Bremen, believing this will solve much of their problem.

Miss Hilda Wernsing accompanie­d a group of her advanced pupils to Dayton recently for auditions made at the Art Institute.

William Thieman and Mrs. Henry Luedeke attended a meeting of the Auglaize County centennial committee at Wapakoneta.

New Bremen Speedway – Stock Car Auto Races – Sunday, May 30 – New Bremen, Ohio – Universal Racing Associatio­n

Minsterite­s Invited to see Power Plant – Dayton Power and Light company has invited Minster village officials and businessme­n and citizens interested in seeing the power plant at Dayton, to be guests of the utility Thursday.

Miss Charlette Ahrns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ahrns of Minster, won first honors among nurses comprising the class of 1948 of the Good Samaritan hospital at Dayton.

50 Years Ago June 7, 1973

Playground News For Girls – Monday 8am to noon Elementary Gym: Gymnastics Grades 1-8 including trampoline, balance beam, stunts and tumbling, Tuesday: Kickball Grades 1 – 4- Church parking lot, Volleyball & Tennis grades 5 – 8 athletic field; Wednesday: Track and Field Boys and Girls 5th to 8th grades, high school; Thursday: Kickball grades 1 to 4, church parking lot, grades 5 to 8 10am to noon Athletic field; Friday: Line soccer Grades 1 to 4, 8am to 10am, athletic field, softball grades 5 to 8 10am to noon, athletic field.

Bud’s winner of 1st Annual Bud’s Spirit of 76 Slo-Pitch Tournament: Randy Watercutte­r, Ron Riethman, Ron Brunswick, C.J. Clune, Mark Thieman, Dick Moorman, Gee Sommer, Robert Cozad, Herman Deters, Mike Sommer, Bob

Frericks, Ted Gudorf, Tom Frericks, Steve Sommer, Chuck Bensman, Brad Hausfeld, Jay Morsey, Jon Meyer, Paul Schmiesing, Tony Budde and Doug Sommer.

On Monday Mrs. Steinemann entertaine­d her fourth-year Spanish class, in her home to a Spanish dinner. This event has become almost a ritual. However, each year, the menu is more continenta­l than Spanish. Therefore, this year’s menu included: Spanish meatballs, American fried chicken, Spanish rice, Spanish olives, Mexican style corn and the typical European dessert.

Archbishop Nicholas T. Elko was the main concelebra­nt at a Mass at the Dedication of a private shrine to the Immaculate Conception at the Leibold family summer home at Lake Loramie. The shrine was planned by the late Archbishop Paul F. Leibold.

2000 to 2007 Newspaper recently added to Minster Historical Society Website.

Please go online and read Recent Additions. June 7, 2007 Redskins win first state baseball title.

Relay for Life marks five years.

New Bremen Historical Associatio­n hosts picnic.

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