The Community Post

Choosing a DJ


Receptions are when it’s time to bust a move, and a really great DJ can make sure everyone at the party is having a good time.

The DJ can also take the stress off the bride and groom by not only planning the party’s playlist, but a really experience­d DJ can spot when something’s about to go south and cover it up by spinning a new song.


Start by asking friends and family about wedding DJs they’ve seen and heard. If you come up empty, turn to your other vendors. They’ve often all worked with each other before and can give you great recommenda­tions. Once you’ve narrowed it down to a top three, schedule a call or in person meeting to talk. Some questions to consider:

• Availabili­ty: Make sure they’re available for your date and in your budget.

• How long have you been a DJ? Get an idea of their experience and make sure they can work profession­ally.

• How many weddings have you worked? Weddings are different than, say, nightclubs. Make sure you and this DJ are on the same page.

• How do you get a shy crowd moving?

• Do you have references?


DJs should give you a feel for the types of music they play – and they should ask plenty of questions about the types of music you and your families prefer. Ask how often they update their music catalog and if you can make requests. You also want to find out if the DJ will also act as emcee or if you need to assign that role to someone else. If you end up choosing someone else to emcee, announcing the father-daughter dance and toasts and such, then you need to have them meet with the DJ beforehand to work out timing.


Find out how much equipment the DJ requires and how they’ll get it to your venue and set up. Ask if you’ll need to provide any separate equipment and how they handle equipment malfunctio­ns (they do happen). Find out if they’ve worked in your reception space before and, if they plan to use lighting or special effects, make sure those are cleared with the venue beforehand. Also find out what they plan to wear and make sure it fits in with your idea of your reception

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