The Community Post

Bergman: From out of our past


Note: This column is created from the archives of the Minster Community Post by Minster Historical

100 Years Ago Feb 15, 1924

Joseph E. Schmieder one of foremost citizens of Minster and Auglaize county passed away at his home. Mr. Schmieder was one of the foremost men in the community for many years. He was the son of Dr. J.P. Schmieder born in 1868. He attended public schools then St. Marys college (UD). He was twice married and Velma Schmieder is a daughter from his first wife. He was secretary-treasurer of Minster Mutual Fire Insurance Co.

Bank Has Open House – In 1923 The Minster State Bank voted to erect a new building for the accommodat­ion of their business. The doors in the new room were thrown open for the first time Feb 4. Their company was organized on January 23, 1913. From the time of operation of this bank company Mr. J.W. Eiting has served in the capacity of president.

Father O’Conner will appear before a

Minster audience on next Tuesday night – Will discuss the matter of the adjusted compensati­on for ex-service med.

Touched by the reports of the condition in Germany the local people - responded to an appeal for aid that made others sit up and notice – Mr. C. H. Dickman who was one of the leaders in the campaign to gather up provisions for the destitute in Germany received a thanks message from Rev. Joseph F. Rummel, who is the secretary of the Catholic Central Clothing committee.

75 Years Ago Feb 11, 1949

Minsterite Named to State Farmer Council – Roger Bornhorst of Minster was one of 10 Young Farmers’ associatio­n members elected to the Ohio Young Farmers Council during the associatio­n’s conference at the Ohio State University. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bornhorst east of Minster.

OSU Honors Students – Names of Alfred F. Lehmkuhl and John C. Thieman of Minster are on the honor roll of the Ohio State University college of agricultur­e for the autumn quarter.

Charles Busse, Robert Busse, Ed Coyle and George Busse attended the John Carroll – Dayton Flyers basketball game at UD. They were accompanie­d home by Robert Busse, Jr., who spent the weekend here. Robert is a member of the Flyers cage squad.

50 Years Ago Feb 14, 1974

Marion Local to Host OSU Concert Band – The OSU Band is considered to be one of the finest University bands in America. Every year the band tours through different sections of Ohio and perform concerts in many different cities.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Morsey and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Morsey will observe their golden wedding anniversar­ies with a family dinner. Both couples were married on that day in Holy Rosary Church in St. Marys.

Minster Jackson Township Fire Department honor social members at a dinner meeting at Hegemans Landing, The department has one such meeting a year at various places in their district. Social members are Albert Fisher, Whitie Oldiges, Herman Laut, Hus Heckman, Elmer Gerwels,

Lawrence Schemmel, Cy Sherman, Morris Schulte, A.L. Heinl, Ralph Poeppelman and Ben Farno.

Girls Win Again! The Minster Girls Basketball Team won their 5th consecutiv­e game Tuesday at Wapakoneta by another overwhelmi­ng score. Kathy Swink was again the high scorer of the evening with 25 points.

Friday night was a great night for Coach Bixler’s Wildcats. They captured the Auglaize County League Crown by downing Waynesfiel­d 91 – 73. As a result, Minster now stands a perfect 4 – 0 in the ACL and 500 for the season.

2000 to 2007 Newspaper recently added to Minster Historical Society Website.

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2001 Feb 15 Minster Historical convened it meeting on the second floor of Stallo Library

Archie Griffin took time to speak with those attending the Civic Associatio­n’s Sports night.

Tom Froning accepts a plaque commemorat­ing his 65 years in the St. Augustine Men’s Choir.

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