The Daily Press

Crusader tennis team willing to work hard to realize potential

- By Becky Polaski Staff Writer

This year’s Elk County Catholic High School boys’ tennis team boasts 12 members, and head coach Michael Jeselnick cited the team’s willingnes­s to work to realize their potential as being one of their biggest strengths.

“This is a very good quality for a young team,” Jeselnick said.

He added that the squad’s youth and temporary inexperien­ce will be among their question marks.

Jack Bauer is the lone senior on this year’s Crusader tennis team.

“There is much placed on his shoulders being the only senior,” Jeselnick said. “So far, Jack has adapted after

coming through a challenge in his life, and as an amazing young man, he has provided a calmness in his demeanor, which is a fine example to the younger team members, as well as spiritual leadership.”

Junior members of the team are Rudy Bish, Zachary Eckert, and Elliott Rupprecht.

“(They) are steadily improving and have contribute­d so far in the early phase of the season and preseason training,” Jeselnick said of the team’s junior members.

Sophomores on the team are Owen Daghir, Julian Funaki, Cameron Klebacha, Anthony Messineo, and Cole Piccirillo.

Jeselnick described the team’s sophomores as being steady performers on the team this year.

“The freshmen on the team, Logan Karlik, Douglas MacDonald, and William MacDonald, are steadily improving and rounding out the team,” Jeselnick said.

Among the squad’s goals for this season are focusing on building a firm foundation in the fundamenta­ls.

“Last year’s tennis team was a very young team with no experience. Having said that, we must work harder to realize the potential that

I know this year’s tennis team is capable of,” Jeselnick said.

He added that the team is happy to be able to have a spring sports season this year and to be able to have an opportunit­y to compete after missing out on their entire season last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s awesome that ECCSS spring sports is actually happening without any pushbacks,” Jeselnick said. “The complete loss of the spring sports season last year still resonates with me. I’m very happy for our spring sports athletes.”

Jeselnick also expressed his gratitude to all those who made this season possible.

“I’m very grateful that Mr. Schneider and our ECC administra­tion has enabled our school to remain in person and to have a spring sports season,” Jeselnick said.

 ?? Photo by Becky Polaski ?? Members of this year’s Crusader tennis team are, front row, from left, Owen Daghir, William MacDonald, Douglas MacDonald, Anthony Messineo, and Rudy Bish; and back row, Zachary Eckert, Julian Funaki, Cole Piccirillo, Jack Bauer, Cameron Klebacha, and Elliott Rupprecht. Missing from the photo is Logan Karlik.
Photo by Becky Polaski Members of this year’s Crusader tennis team are, front row, from left, Owen Daghir, William MacDonald, Douglas MacDonald, Anthony Messineo, and Rudy Bish; and back row, Zachary Eckert, Julian Funaki, Cole Piccirillo, Jack Bauer, Cameron Klebacha, and Elliott Rupprecht. Missing from the photo is Logan Karlik.

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