The Daily Press

Traffic study requested in vicinity of Fox school

- By Amy Cherry Staff Writer

FOX TOWNSHIP The Fox Township Supervisor­s agreed to contact PennDOT to conduct a traffic study in the area of Main Street along state Route 948 in the vicinity of the elementary school. The study came as a request by John Bricen, a Bennetts Valley resident who is a member of the Save Our School group, working to keep Bennetts Valley Elementary School from potentiall­y closing. Bricen said if BV were to close this would bring 80 more students into the township along with 3-4 more busses. He recently observed the traffic at the school during arrival and dismissal and noted during dismissal time the full parking lot and there were a few overflow vehicles parked along the berm of the road as they waited to pick up their children. Bricen contacted PennDOT about conducting a traffic study and was informed he had to file the request with the township who could then submit for the study to be completed. “We need to show the (St. Marys Area School District) school board that there is a clear and present danger to ship students here,” Bricen said. He added that he also observed about 5-10 people walking across the Main Street from the St. Boniface School to pick up their children. “Fox Township students would be in peril at the same time,” Bricen said. The supervisor­s said they were not sure if the study would be completed before the October deadline when the school board will vote on the future of the BV school. Under unfinished business, Comcast has re-submitted a franchise agreement for service they provide to approximat­ely 40 customers in Fox Township, making changes suggested by the township solicitor.

Under new business, the supervisor­s unanimousl­y appointed Russ Singer as the township’s alternate code enforcemen­t officer.

In attendance at the meeting were two Pennsylvan­ia State Police Troopers to answer any questions or concerns from the supervisor­s or those in attendance. Supervisor and Roadmaster Gradizzi compliment­ed them on their increased presence in the township since the start of the new school year.

A subdivisio­n, which was reviewed by the Fox Twp. Planning Commission and was recommende­d for approval, was received for the estate of Joseph Bauer to subdivide a six acre parcel from his property located along Toby Road. The new parcel will be conveyed to Lawrence and Marion Johnson as an extension to their existing property. A nonbuildin­g waiver has been submitted. The subdivisio­n was unanimousl­y approved by the supervisor­s.

The following price quotes were received by the township for crack sealing on Hayes Road and Country Lane: Jefferson Paving at a rate of $6,275 and Ruffner’s Blacktop Sealcoatin­g for $6,196.43. The bid was awarded to Ruffner’s as they were the lowest bidder.

A tentative meeting to discuss the township’s budget for next year is slated for October 18 at 4 p.m.

Gradizzi reported that paving has been completed on Laurel Lane, George and Anna roads. The township came in under budget by $441 with the project.

Gradizzi added they have not heard anything from PennDOT regarding line painting along state Route 948.

The supervisor­s also approved donating a three month membership to the fitness center at the community center for the Fox Twp. women’s group annual fundraisin­g auction.

Township bills were approved for payment in the amount of $156,997.

The next supervisor’s meeting will take place Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 6 p.m. at the municipal building.

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