The Daily Press


- By Pastor B.J. Knefley

Murphy’s law states “If something can go wrong, it will and usually at the worst possible moment”. Such has been my day today. It started out okay but for the next several hours it has gone down hill. It probably started when I decided to have new tires put on my car. After a wait of several hours the tires were on and I was on the Interstate. Within a few moments I quickly became aware that my steering wheel had a very noticeable vibration. I returned to the store for another hour. Finally, all is good, or so I thought. The vibration? It’s still there, perhaps not as bad but it’s still there. I decide to go home and deal with it tomorrow. Back on the Interstate, the tractor and trailer that I’m passing decides to come over into my lane. As I hit the brakes and go towards the shoulder, I find that the road is icy and the shoulder is covered with snow. As I start to slide the truck pulls back and I quickly recover and find my way back into my lane. Whew that I was close! As I get closer to home, I hear a noise coming from what appears to be my left rear tire. Great! Now what I wonder? It appears it has something to do with my emergency brake. I decide that this will be another thing to look at in the morning. I have four goldfish in a pond outside which I’m trying to get into their tank inside the house. I had cleared the ice off the pond last night only to find that it’s frozen over again. Not as bad as it had been but bad enough that it too will have to wait. Needless to say, I’m annoyed and tired. I’ve got a lot to do and to top it off I’ve been having more breathing issues related to asthma. Stress sometimes affects this. So, what I need to do is chill. How? Writing helps as it gets it out. It’s what talking can do but I’m in no mood to talk. A good cup of coffee would be good too and that will be done in the next couple of minutes. Perhaps it’s best to remember that I’m not in control and that these things happen. Jesus said to cast all our burdens upon him, so I’m casting. I can’t control what happens, but I can control how I allow it to affect me. Think about it.

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