The Day

A walk in the woods


Judy Benson takes a hike around the Hoffman Evergreen Preserve in Stonington, the biggest parcel under the stewardshi­p of the Avalonia Land Conservanc­y.

A few hundred yards along one of the main trails at Hoffman Evergreen Preserve in Stonington, Rick Newton, volunteer and member of the Avalonia Land Conservanc­y, stopped to listen.

From the treetops came the loudest sound: the high-pitched chatter of chickadees.

“One thing I like about this property is that you can get away from the highway sounds and just hear the nature sounds,” said Newton, on a recent hike with five other land trust members.

The 198-acre preserve, tucked in the northwest corner of town, recently became the largest of the land trust’s holdings. A donation of 145 acres in 1976 comprised the original preserve, and another 53 were added last month. The new portion, on the northeast side of the property, will soon have its own network of trails to connect with the existing array of red, blue-, and yellow-blazed pathways. Several kinds of thrushes, vireos, the Acadia flycatcher and the pileated woodpecker­s are among bird species spotted here, and the additional land will enhance the bird habitat further, said Beth Sullivan, one of the Stonington town directors for Avalonia.

“The pileated woodpecker is a big bird that needs big woods,” she said.

A deep, moist woodland with spongy soils, the preserve hosts many varieties of mushrooms— red ones, yellow ones, purple ones — along with uncommon plants like Lady’s Slippers and coral root, an unusual plant that doesn’t have chlorophyl­l.

“And here’s a rattlesnak­e plantain,” said Sullivan, bending to point out a delicate spotted leaf cluster. “It’s a native orchid. And there’s a spotted wintergree­n.”

Existing amid the forest’s plant and animal life are stone walls, a cemetery, an old foundation and remaining sections of long-gone bridges near a small pond, among other remnants of past human habitation.

“What’s that?” asked Joellen Anderson of Groton, another Avalonia member and volunteer, as the group approached a small stone structure with a round roof and cave-like chamber dug into the earth.

“A root cellar, probably,” replied Richard Conant, Groton town director for the trust.

With its extensive network of trails, the preserve is a good place for all types of hikes, from all-day excursions to short ones. That morning, after an hour-long hike along the blue trail with the group, Conant decided his time in the woods was just beginning.

“Folks, I’m going exploring,” said Conant, as he waved and turned onto the yellow trail, while the others headed back to their cars.

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