The Day


Boehner doffs hat, warns of challenges ahead


Outgoing House Speaker John Boehner, right, hugs his successor, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., on Thursday in the House Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington. Republican­s rallied behind Ryan to elect him the House’s 54th speaker on Thursday as a splintered GOP turned to the youthful but battle-tested lawmaker to mend its wounds and craft a conservati­ve message to woo voters for next year’s elections.

Washington — Rep. Paul D. Ryan was overwhelmi­ngly elected House speaker by fellow Republican­s Thursday, closing a bitter and protracted leadership battle but not fully resolving the internal divisions that have upended the GOP majority.

After the vote, the Wisconsin congressma­n and 2012 GOP vice presidenti­al nominee offered a tough-love outlook for the road ahead.

“Let’s be frank: the House is broken,” Ryan told his colleagues. “We are not solving problems. We are adding to them. And I am not interested in laying blame. We are not settling scores. We are wiping the slate clean.”

The vote came more than a month after Speaker John A. Boehner abruptly announced he would resign rather than continue fighting his conservati­ve flank.

That same hard- right faction doomed the candidacy of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, who dropped out of the race for the post.

Ryan is the 54th House speaker and, at 45, the youngest since 1869, in the aftermath of the Civil War. He won the gavel with a convincing 236 votes from his GOP colleagues. Nine Republican­s cast votes for a rival. In a nod to his detractors, Ryan promised to allow rank-and-file lawmakers a greater role in shaping legislatio­n, a key demand of the conservati­ve wing.

“If there were ever a time for us to step up, this would be that time,” Ryan said. “The cynics will scoff and say it’s not possible. But you better believe we are going to try. We will not duck the tough issues.”

As lawmakers voted, Ryan’s wife, Janna, and three small children watched from the Speaker’s Box in the chamber. His former running mate, GOP presidenti­al candidate Mitt Romney, also looked on.

In many ways, Ryan represents a new generation of Republican­s, who came of political age during President Ronald Reagan’s administra­tion and adhere to more conservati­ve social and economic ideals than their mainstream colleagues.

Ryan is known for the “Ryan budget,” an austerity blueprint that has guided GOP thinking, as well as for his grueling P90X workouts and preference for hard rock music and Miller

“If there were ever a time for us to step up, this would be that time. The cynics will scoff and say it’s not possible. But you better believe we are going to try. We will not duck the tough issues.”



Before passing the gavel, Boehner advised his successor of the challenges he will likely face leading the largest Republican majority in decades.

“This is the loneliest place in the world, almost as lonely as the presidency,” Boehner said during an exit interview with reporters, seated in a leather wingback chair in his second-floor office overlookin­g the National Mall.

“What makes it even lonelier is, you realize at the end of the day, you got to make decisions, and those decisions have consequenc­es, and those consequenc­es fall back on one person,” he said between cigarettes. “So it’s something that takes a little getting used to.”

Boehner started his own career 25 years ago as a renegade who challenged the party’s then-leaders, particular­ly on pork spending from “ear- marks.” But now the target of outsider ire as a face of the Washington establishm­ent, he chose to resign rather than allow a divisive GOP floor battle with conservati­ves were planning to oust him.

“Around here,” Boehner said, “members run around and do all kinds of things. But someone has to be responsibl­e for the institutio­n. And I understood very quickly when I got this job, it was my No. 1 responsibi­lity.

“Paul has an opportunit­y to start fresh,” he said, “to build more confidence amongst those members.”

Top of the agenda for Ryan will be passage by Dec. 11 of a bill to fund the government at the new budget levels and avert a shutdown.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP PHOTO ?? Newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is escorted Thursday to the House chamber following the resignatio­n of John Boehner at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Ryan is joined by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and Minority Leader Nancy...
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP PHOTO Newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is escorted Thursday to the House chamber following the resignatio­n of John Boehner at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Ryan is joined by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and Minority Leader Nancy...
 ?? STEPHEN CROWLEY/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? John Boehner, R-Ohio, holds up a box of tissues Thursday while delivering a farewell address to Congress.
STEPHEN CROWLEY/THE NEW YORK TIMES John Boehner, R-Ohio, holds up a box of tissues Thursday while delivering a farewell address to Congress.

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