The Day

Malloy, finally, realizes government’s too big

- CHRIS POWELL The Journal Inquirer

With the economy sinking and state tax revenue falling, Governor Malloy says state government may have to cut itself down to the essentials.

Of course it might have been nice if the governor had called for such a comprehens­ive review before imposing his massive tax increases of five years ago and this year. But nobody else called for such a review, and better late than never.

If the governor is serious, it could be revolution­ary. For everyone financed by government considers himself essential, except maybe when a snowstorm presents the opportunit­y to leave work early with the notoriousl­y “inessentia­l” employees.

Speaking of the state budget this week, the governor said, “Connecticu­t can no longer afford to maintain every line item in perpetuity.”

Of course there are many line items that might be sacrificed without much consequenc­e to the public: the pork in the bond package for the towns of legislator­s favored by the governor; the various commission­s to patronize and pander to whiny minorities and special interests; liquor and cigarette price regulation; and so on.

But the big money to be saved isn’t in budget line items at all but in policies — like collective bargaining and binding arbitratio­n for government employees, which take most government expense out of the ordinary democratic process; social promotion in education, which drives up school costs and creates huge social costs; drug criminaliz­ation; and welfare policy, which destroys the family and perpetuate­s poverty instead of reducing it.

At least the governor this week acknowledg­ed that pensions for state employees and teachers are threatenin­g to devour the rest of state government. To save money, the governor plans to propose separating the pension system for veteran employees from the system for newer ones and to finance them differentl­y. But even so pension costs will remain huge and crowd out compelling public needs.

“We must pay for the mistakes of the past, and there is no easy way around it,” the governor said, as if the mistake with the pensions had just been discovered and there was nothing for him to notice since he took office five years ago.

But again, better late than never, and few others in state politics have acknowledg­ed the pension problem, though the compelling question is why state and municipal government should continue to offer their employees costly defined-benefit plans instead of the defined-contributi­on plans private-sector employees have to settle for. The state’s economy being so weak, state and municipal government would have little trouble finding employees.

The stern review sought by the governor will be quickly opposed by tens of thousands, everyone whose livelihood is stake. To maintain the status quo they will devote to politics as much time as necessary. While the governor’s party, the Democratic Party, controls the General Assembly, it is the party of government for its own sake, so Democratic legislator­s are not likely to be receptive, less so since the governor’s popularity is lower than ever and he does not plan to seek another term.

As for the Republican minority in the legislatur­e, what is their interest in giving the governor political cover in serious economizin­g and thereby joining him in making enemies? For the sake of good government? That will be the day.

The governor should have attempted this review when he was first elected and could have noted that he was cleaning up the mess left by his predecesso­rs. Instead he repeatedly raised taxes to sustain the mess, and now that five years of that have only made things worse, it may be hard for him to find sympathy.

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