The Day

Blockbuste­r New Pill Kills Arthritis Pain

Doctor developed painkiller not only squelches pain... it makes your energy levels soar. “We can’t keep enough on the shelves,” say drug store owners.

- By Richard Fleming Health Researcher

Imagine a pill that not only chases away sore joints and achy muscles... it also catapults your energy levels back to those of a 30 year old, and does it safely without drugs.

There’s no need to imagine. A worldrenow­ned doctor has developed a new natural pain-relieving pill. It’s been shown to reverse the root cause of pain.

After extensive testing, millions of Americans are now desperate to try it. Getting your hands on this medical miracle isn’t going to be easy. Big Pharma is doing everything they can to stop shipments of this highly anticipate­d pain relief pill. Because it isn’t a drug. It’s something completely different.

The makers of this new pill have already doubled their production efforts. They’re cranking up to meet the growing demand from consumers and drug store owners.

The pill, made for men and women over 50, was released early last month. Yet, in spite of the pharmaceut­ical industry’s efforts to keep it from the public, sales have already exceeded expectatio­ns.

World Famous Cancer Doctor Stumbles onto Shocking Pain Fix

This new pill, named Enzoplex, attacks the root cause of your joint and muscle pain… inflammati­on. And when systemic inflammati­on levels in your body are under control, your energy levels soar!

Initial users took it for pain. But they also found themselves running up and down stairs like they used to in the prime of their life.

The strange part of the story is this: When Dr. Hans Nieper discovered this breakthrou­gh, he wasn’t looking for a painkiller. He was looking for something to help cancer patients overcome low energy. He discovered the pain-fighting power by mistake.

Here are the facts: If you’re over 50, studies show you probably have an enzyme deficiency. That’s why spicy foods you used to love now leave you feeling like there’s a fire in your gut. Injuries take two or three times longer to heal. Your thinking and memory feel foggy. Your knees, back, hips and other joints constantly ache. And it feels like your “energy tank” is always on empty.

Enzymes are what make everything work in your body. You can’t digest your food without enzymes. You can’t heal from injuries. You can’t fight off a cold or illness. Your body can’t build new heart, brain, skin, bone or muscle tissue cells without enzymes.

Enzoplex helps replace the enzymes you used to have when you were younger so you can enjoy life pain free with tons of energy.

A Pain Free Life And “Get Up And Go” Energy

And that is why Big Pharma doesn’t want you to have access to this amazing new formula. Since Enzoplex is a natural pill, drug companies can’t patent it and make the obscene profits they’re used to.

Plus, they want to keep you sick. Because if you’re over 50 and healthy… and you’re pain free with the energy of a 30 year old... you won’t buy their expensive prescripti­on pills. You also won’t be subjected to all the nasty side effects that come from taking their drugs. THAT is the very reason Big Pharma is trying to have Enzoplex pulled from the shelves.

How It Works

One of the many active ingredient­s in Enzoplex is a safe and highly effective natural enzyme that controls inflammati­on and pain. It has been used successful­ly for decades in Europe and Asia for its anti-inflammati­on benefits, and its ability to support healthy energy levels.

Enzoplex is the first product of its kind to also include the amazing pain-killing enzyme that has been so successful in Germany and Asia. It re-ignites every cell in your body with a potent supply of enzymes and

powerful herbal compounds that work better when combined, making them synergisti­c.

Test subjects report being “PAIN FREE… and HAVING MORE ENERGY, FOCUS and DRIVE!” It’s almost if your body “resets itself” to feel like it did in the prime of your life.

Initial Users Are Thrilled!

“This stuff is amazing! I can see why the big drug companies want to stop you from selling it. I feel AMAZING!” -

Jeffrey Katz

“I can see why your product is selling out so quickly. Being pain free and full of energy is a dream come true for me. I never thought I’d be able to play with my grandkids again.” - Elaine Foley

“Holy smokes! I just got back from 18 holes of golf and I feel GREAT. I never thought I’d be able to enjoy activities like that again.” - Steven Richardson

The Secret To Getting Back The Energy Of Your Youth

Has pain, stiffness and low energy forced you to give up activities you love? Things like golf, tennis, and playing with your grandchild­ren?

Are you fed up with gulping down handfuls of prescripti­on pills that don’t really work, yet come with a host of negative and bad side effects?

IMAGINE… living with boundless energy, youthfulne­ss and vitality into your 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond. And avoiding the life-destroying diseases that so often accompany aging.

Enzoplex is an remarkable new formula in a safe, natural pill you take at home. But if you want to experience all these FEEL GREAT benefits for yourself, you may only have a very limited time.

“Pharma Fat Cats” Want It Gone

The powerful Big Pharma companies don’t want Enzoplex to be available to the public. They want to produce their own synthetic version of this pill. (They’ve tried… but so far with no success.)

Because experts agree: Enzoplex is revolution­ary.

You’ll feel your aches, pains and stiffness gradually fade away. You’ll feel younger, full of energy, healthier and stronger. And your mind will feel clear and focused like it was in your youth.

But if the Big Pharma executives get their way, you’ll never have the chance to experience all these benefits for yourself. So stock up NOW… before it’s too late!

Limited Supply

Supplies of Enzoplex are selling out quickly - usually only DAYS after each new batch is produced. And they never know when Big Pharma may be able to halt its sale. For now, there’s still time to experience the benefits of Enzoplex — but you must act FAST.

Special Opportunit­y For Our Readers

The makers of Enzoplex are offering you a special opportunit­y to try it in your own home for a full 60-days — completely RISK FREE. If you don’t see remarkable changes in your sore and achy joints and energy levels - simply return it for a full refund, less S&H. No questions asked! Try Enzoplex for yourself by calling 1-800-983-9597 today. The distributo­r will send you a risk-free trial. Plus an opportunit­y to get additional FREE BOTTLES (just ask). But you must call NOW before it’s too late. This offer is limited to readers of this newspaper.

 ??  ?? Dr. Hans Nieper is best known for his treatments of cancer and multiple sclerosis, although his foundation­al work with substances that he believed would increase the availabili­ty of minerals to the body, what he called “mineral transporte­rs.” He served...
Dr. Hans Nieper is best known for his treatments of cancer and multiple sclerosis, although his foundation­al work with substances that he believed would increase the availabili­ty of minerals to the body, what he called “mineral transporte­rs.” He served...

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