The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Retaining an entry


“Thank goodness for women,” Cy the Cynic growled. “Without them, we men would never know we do everything wrong.”

“I take it Wendy gave you a hard time again,” I sighed.

Cy, a shameless chauvinist, and Wendy, my club’s feminist, are always at odds.

“I was West,” Cy said, “and Wendy was East. I led a heart against 3NT. Declarer put up dummy’s queen and led a spade: five, queen. I took my ace and led another heart, but declarer ducked Wendy’s jack and won the third heart. He lost a spade finesse with the ten but had two spades, two hearts, three diamonds and two clubs.”


“Wendy was all over me. She said I should have ducked the queen of spades smoothly, keeping my entry. If South leads a second spade to dummy’s ten, he goes down. She must think I’m a genius.”

Wendy was correct, but I suspect South might still make 3NT by continuing with the A-K and a third club. The 3-3 break would give him nine tricks. If clubs broke 4-2, he would have chances in reserve.


You hold: ♠ A72 ♥ K 10 8 5 2 ♦ 72 ♣ J 8 7. Your partner opens one club, you respond one heart and he bids one spade. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: Since partner could have as many as 18 points, you should be reluctant to pass, though it might be a winning action. Neither a rebid of two hearts nor a bid of 1NT is appealing. With a better hand such as AQ 2, 10 8 5 3 2,7 2, K 8 7, you might raise to two spades. On the actual hand, bid two clubs. South dealer N-S vulnerable

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