The Day

Trump doesn’t need Congress to solve wiretap allegation, some say.

Instead he asks Congress to probe actions he alleges came from branch of government he is in charge of


Washington — If Donald Trump wants to know whether he was the subject of surveillan­ce by the U.S. government, he may be uniquely positioned to get an answer.

A series of weekend tweets by the president focused public attention on intelligen­ce collection efforts long shrouded in secrecy. He accused former President Barack Obama of ordering wiretaps on his phones but offered no proof to back the claim, and the White House then called on Congress to investigat­e the allegation­s.

But former government lawyers say Trump hardly needs Congress to answer this question.

“The intelligen­ce community works for the president, so if a president wanted to know whether surveillan­ce had been conducted on a particular target, all he’d have to do is ask,” said Todd Hinnen, head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division during the Obama administra­tion and a National Security Council staff member under George W. Bush.

The latest storm began Saturday when Trump tweeted: “Is it legal for a sitting President to be ‘wire tapping’ a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!” He followed up with: “How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!”

The Justice Department, not the president, would have the authority to conduct such surveillan­ce, and officials have not confirmed any such action. Through a spokesman, Obama said neither he nor any White House official had ever ordered surveillan­ce on any U.S. citizen. Obama’s top intelligen­ce official, James Clapper, also said Trump’s claims were false, and a U.S. official told The Associated Press that the FBI asked the Justice Department to rebut Trump’s assertions.

Why turn to Congress, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer was asked Monday.

“My understand­ing is that the president directing the Department of Justice to do something with respect to an investigat­ion that may or may not occur with evidence may be seen as trying to interfere,” Spicer said. “And I think that we’re trying to do this in the proper way.”

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