The Day

Sessions’ anti-pot crusade going up in smoke


Washington — The betting was that law-and-order Attorney General Jeff Sessions would come out against the legalized marijuana industry with guns blazing. But the task force Sessions assembled to find the best legal strategy is giving him no ammunition, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

The Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety, a group of prosecutor­s and federal law enforcemen­t officials, has come up with no new policy recommenda­tions to advance the attorney general’s aggressive­ly anti-marijuana views. The group’s report largely reiterates the current Justice Department policy on marijuana.

It encourages officials to keep studying whether to change or rescind the Obama administra­tion’s more hands-off approach to enforcemen­t — a stance that has allowed the nation’s experiment with legal pot to flourish. The report was not slated to be released publicly, but portions were obtained by the AP.

Sessions, who has assailed marijuana as comparable to heroin and blamed it for spikes in violence, has been promising to reconsider existing pot policy since he took office six months ago. His statements have sparked both support and worry across the political spectrum as a growing number of states have worked to legalize the drug.

Threats of a federal crackdown have united liberals, who object to the human costs of a war on pot, and some conservati­ves, who see it as a states’ rights issue. Some advocates and members of Congress had feared the task force’s recommenda­tions would give Sessions the green light to begin dismantlin­g what has become a sophistica­ted, multimilli­on-dollar pot industry that helps fund schools, educationa­l programs and law enforcemen­t.

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