The Day

Heavy rain bands from Harvey lash southwest Louisiana, ratcheting up flooding fears there.


Moss Bluff, La. (AP) — Heavy rain bands from Harvey lashed southwest Louisiana on Monday, ratcheting up flooding fears as the state’s governor warned of a “dangerous situation” looming.

Gov. John Bel Edwards told reporters he expects the threat to rise as outer rain bands sweep into Louisiana, adding, “This is going to play out over several days.”

While Louisiana doesn’t appear to be facing a threat on par with Harvey’s catastroph­ic toll in Texas, images of flood devastatio­n in Houston revived painful memories for survivors of Hurricane Katrina more than a decade ago.

“It really evoked a lot of emotions and heartbreak for the people who are going through that now in Houston,” Ray Gratia said as he collected sandbags for his New Orleans home, which flooded from the 2005 hurricane that led to levee breaches that left much of the city underwater for weeks.

Rhonda Wylie loaded sandbags into her car with help of firefighte­rs Monday as rain bands neared New Orleans. Wylie’s home flooded earlier this month during a deluge that exposed problems with the city’s pump and drainage system. New Orleans was on the outskirts of Harvey’s rain bands Monday, but residents are on edge because the pumping system still isn’t working at full capacity.

“I just felt like I needed to take all precaution­s this time,” she said as homeowners picked up sandbags from local fire stations.

In southwest Louisiana, a man who lives near the Mermentau River in Jefferson Davis Parish dug a ditch near this home Monday to drain water that flooded his barnyard overnight, drowning a goat. Marshall Daigle isn’t worried that his home will be damaged, but he expects floodwater­s to cut off access to his neighborho­od.

“It’s going to flood, and it’s going to flood in a big way,” he said.

Lake Charles Mayor Nic Hunter said floodwater­s had damaged fewer than a dozen homes in that southwest Louisiana city as of Monday afternoon, but the number is likely to rise in coming days.

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