The Day

Trump uses powers to force action

President’s supporters cheer disruption


Washington — Frustrated with his inability to spur Congress to act on much of his agenda, President Donald Trump is increasing­ly using his executive powers in a risky bid to gain leverage with lawmakers on an array of unfulfille­d campaign promises.

Following his announceme­nt that he is cutting off health-care subsidies key to the Affordable Care Act, Trump voiced hope that the move would force Democrats to join him in his stymied effort to pass a healthcare overhaul in the Republican-led Congress.

After proclaimin­g the end of a popular program that shields young undocument­ed immigrants from deportatio­n, Trump offered to continue it — but only if lawmakers move on several of his stalled priorities in return, including funding a U.S.-Mexico border wall that was central to his campaign.

And on Friday, Trump disavowed the internatio­nal nuclear deal with Iran but held out the possibilit­y of keeping the United States in the pact if Congress attaches new conditions to a deal that he continuall­y derided as a candidate.

The strategy has been cheered by many of the president’s core supporters, who view it as Trump making good on his pledge to be a disruptive

force in Washington while dismantlin­g the legacy of former President Barack Obama.

“Any time he can be viewed as a strong, disruptive force, hitting D.C. with wrecking ball, his core base of supporters love it,” said Ron Bonjean, a Republican consultant close to the White House.

But such political hostage-taking carries considerab­le risk, particular­ly given the paralysis that has gripped Congress in the first nine months of the Trump presidency and the real possibilit­y that the “deals” Trump is seeking won’t materializ­e. Hanging in the balance now are the ability of millions of Americans — including many of Trump’s working-class supporters — to afford health insurance, the fate of hundreds of thousands of “dreamers” who could face deportatio­n, and the internatio­nal standing of the United States.

“There’s nothing clever about creating a crisis and hoping Congress responds when the American public is in the crosshairs,” said Cecilia Muñoz, a longtime immigrant rights advocate who served as Obama’s White House domestic policy adviser.

Trump’s critics also accuse him of hypocrisy for employing executive orders and other actions at a time when his agenda is stalled in Congress. Trump and other Republican­s excoriated Obama for similar tactics, calling him an “emperor” and a “monarch,” particular­ly during the latter part of his presidency, when he faced a hostile GOP Congress.

In Trump’s case, he is acting on his own even as his party controls the House and Senate. And Trump is now on pace to sign more executive orders than any president in the past 50 years — although some of those actions, particular­ly early in his term, had limited impact.

Trump’s use of executive power to upend the status quo has extended to other areas, including an attempt to renegotiat­e NAFTA, which was underscore­d by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to the White House this past week. Trump’s administra­tion also announced a proposed rule that would repeal regulation­s aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. power plants.

Trump aides acknowledg­e that some of his recent actions are due to his frustratio­n with Congress, which the president has made no effort to hide on Twitter and in public appearance­s. And they defend his frequent use of executive orders as necessary to undo actions by Obama they consider unconstitu­tional or otherwise legally problemati­c.

“The president campaigned on a bold agenda, and Congress’s inaction won’t stop the administra­tion’s tireless efforts to boost the economy, improve health care and protect the American people,” said White House principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah.

Supporters outside Washington say the moves show a president unwilling to take no for an answer as he attempts to make good on his campaign promises.

“The president is doing what he said he’s going to do,” said Terry Lathan, chairman of the Republican Party of Alabama. “He’s not a man to sit back and wait when told not to do something. That’s not how he’s wired. It’s one of the reasons he got elected. He will not let barriers stand in his way. He’ll go over, under, around it to get something done.”

But Trump’s critics expressed dismay that he has tried to upend many of Obama’s initiative­s without a clear strategy of how to move forward to protect some of the country’s most vulnerable population­s, which already are being harmed.

“What he’s done on health care is nothing short of sabotage,” Connecticu­t Gov. Dannel Malloy said. “Millions of Americans are paying a price for his egocentric behavior, for his narcissist­ic behavior.”

Democrat Malloy argued that Trump seemed motivated more by undoing Obama’s legacy than by advancing any coherent policy aims of his own. “If he had followed Lincoln, he’d have tried to reinstate slavery,” said Malloy, who chairs the Democratic Governors Associatio­n.

Trump announced Thursday that he was ending insurer subsidies that have been used to lower costs for those who purchase insurance on the individual market under Obamacare. A nonpartisa­n congressio­nal analysis has suggested that the move could lead to a 20 percent increase in premiums next year.

Trump, who defended the move as ending a giveaway for insurance companies, voiced hope that it would prompt Democrats to work with him. Previous attempts to pass a healthcare bill with only Republican votes have repeatedly failed.

“What would be nice is if the Democratic leaders could come over to the White House,” Trump said Friday. “We’ll negotiate some deal that’s good for everybody. That’s what I’d like. But they’re always a bloc vote against everything. They’re like obstructio­nists. If they came over, maybe we could make a deal.”

Some analysts see that prospect as remote, however.

“If he thinks this is going to bring Democrats to the table, I think he’s sadly mistaken,” said Jim Manley, a longtime aide to former Senate minority leader Harry M. Reid, D-Nev.

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