The Day

Did media help lure Weinstein victims?

Should reporters consider, before deciding to publish, a source’s motivation, or the effect of a story on reputation and career?


It wasn’t just the complicit silence around Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment that made it so dangerous. It was the opposite of silence, too. It was the public humiliatio­n that could be used to retaliate against alleged victims who spoke out.

Weinstein used the media like a bludgeon to keep his alleged victims in line. He did it skillfully and with plenty of help.

“Harvey could spin — or suppress — anything; there were so many journalist­s on his payroll, working as consultant­s on movie projects, or as screenwrit­ers, or for his magazine,” Rebecca Traister wrote last week in New York magazine’s the Cut about an altercatio­n in 2000 with Weinstein.

One technique: Supplying informatio­n that would drag an accuser’s name through the mud. The Italian actress Ambra Battilana Gutierrez found that out when she filed a sexual assault complaint against Weinstein in 2015.

“Details about Gutierrez’s past began to appear in the tabloids,” the New Yorker reported Tuesday in its exposé of Weinstein’s sexual misbehavio­r. (The New York Times broke its major story on the same subject last week; and in its wake, Weinstein was fired from his own company, though he denies many of the accusation­s.)

The gossip pages reported that Gutierrez had attended one of Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi’s infamous orgy-parties, and that, as a teenager, she had made a charge of assault against a business executive but later backed out of cooperatin­g with prosecutor­s.

It was a powerful, tried-and-true method of control.

As the blockbuste­r New York Times story on Weinstein moved toward publicatio­n, negative informatio­n about one of Weinstein’s accusers was offered to a Washington Post reporter. The timing could, of course, be coincident­al, but seems suspicious and tracks with Weinstein’s well-known practices. (The Post had begun checking into it when The Times story, naming the accuser, was published.)

All of this raises a tricky journalist­ic question: Should reporters consider, before deciding to publish, a source’s motivation, or the effect of a story on reputation and career?

In politics, opposition research on a candidate has resulted in many legitimate and important news stories. The journalist­ic standard is fairly simple: Is the informatio­n true, and is it newsworthy?

This same standard tends to be used for public figures of any kind — and Hollywood actresses may, or may not, fit into this category. (Are we talking about Meryl Streep or an unknown starlet?)

What the convention­al practices often ignore is the reality of a vast power imbalance, the kind experience­d by the women victimized by Roger Ailes at Fox News, or by the dozens of accusers who have come forward regarding the television star Bill Cosby.

Weinstein’s media manipulati­on could also cut in quite another direction, Jordan Sargent wrote in a 2015 piece, published by Gawker Media’s Defamer site, “Tell Us What You Know About Harvey Weinstein’s ‘Open Secret.’”

He could hype the reputation­s of aspiring actresses who cooperated with his demands. The message, over time, was clear: Cooperate with me and you might be a star. Accuse me and you’ll be smeared.

Far more than complicit silence, this was Hollywood buzz at its most insidious. But then serious reporting, amplifying the voices of courageous accusers, came along to change all that.

Given Weinstein’s decades-long media manipulati­on, it’s fitting, gratifying­ly so, that what brought his downfall was media exposure.

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