The Day



Here is how commenters on theday. com responded to the news last week that the Boy Scouts of America would start accepting girls into their ranks.

“Maybe time to change the name to “The Tom-Boy Scouts ... (And) can we also petition the GSA to change their name to the ‘Girlie Scouts’, and accept males?” —JimH “Maybe it is time to combine them and call them just ‘Scouts’” —Apollo

“This is only going to lead to trouble down the line.” —Kath13

“I don’t understand this at all. The Girl Scouts have a master achievemen­t award, the Gold Award, that is equal to the Eagle Scout award. What’s the big deal? Can’t people leave things alone?” —Molly B “Won’t be long before they’re sharing bathrooms too.” —Rich Lather

“Our enemy wants to destroy tradition, traditiona­l institutio­ns, societal norms, to destroy the past itself.” —Leo

“This is dangerous to growing boys. Boys need to learn their identity as boys growing into adolescenc­e and ultimately into successful male citizens.” —Intentsone

“I’m somewhat surprised at the negative reactions. I went through the scouting program and think this is a great idea.” —KS1U

“I don’t have a problem with girls taking part in scouting activites as long as they remain seperated and come together for a few activities.” —Dc.gths

“Life’s too short, let the parents make those decisions with their children and who knows, maybe girls won’t be interested in becoming Boy Scouts.” —Maya

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