The Day

Don’t tolerate school walkouts, or criminals

- CHRIS POWELL The Journal Inquirer

Nearly anything that gets their noses out of their cellphones and video games and into the wider world may be welcome, but there is a big problem with the high school walkouts being planned by students around the country to show support for more restrictio­ns on guns.

The problem is that the students are required to be in school during the school day, not out protesting. The country is paying for them to be in school. Schools will suffer financial losses from the lost time, which will have to be made up if education is not to be sacrificed (teachers are not going to volunteer to give up their pay for the teaching time lost to a walkout).

And schools should not take sides in politics.

Of course there’s no need for students to take time out from school to hold political rallies and otherwise get involved in politics. There is plenty of time for that after school during the week and on weekends. Indeed, by settling on a walkout during the school day rather than a rally after school or on a weekend, students seem to figure that they will draw more fellow students to their cause precisely by creating an opportunit­y to cut or disrupt classes.

That’s part of what made the Vietnam War protests so popular at colleges during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Many colleges were so intimidate­d by the student disruption­s that they not only canceled classes but awarded course credits to students who never earned them.

Will high school administra­tions condone and excuse the planned walkouts or will they impose normal discipline on students who cut or disrupt classes? Schools that condone or excuse the walkouts will be politicizi­ng themselves. They also will be obliging themselves to do the same for all sorts of causes they may not want to approve.

Enforce the law

Federal immigratio­n agents are being criticized for arresting illegal immigrants at the state courthouse­s in Stamford and New Haven as the illegals show up to answer for criminal charges pending against them. This tactic is said to interfere with the administra­tion of justice, scaring people away from courthouse­s. Connecticu­t Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers last year asked the U.S. Justice Department and the U.S. Homeland Security Department not to do things this way.

But courthouse­s may be the best places to apprehend certain illegal immigrants, especially those in trouble with the criminal law, and complaints about the practice presume that federal immigratio­n law simply should not be enforced, even though, ordinarily, federal law takes precedence over state law. That is, such complaints are another form of advocacy of nullificat­ion of federal law.

Illegal immigrants aren’t supposed to be in the country in the first place. If their criminal cases are effectivel­y terminated by deportatio­n, state government will avoid much expense.

This does not mean that the country’s immigratio­n problem should not be addressed humanely through new laws that give a chance of legal residency and eventually citizenshi­p to illegal immigrants, especially those illegal immigrants who long have been living decently and productive­ly in the country and those who were brought here as children, people who as a practical matter have no other home.

But most advocates of illegal immigrants seem not to want any immigratio­n law enforcemen­t at all. They seem to want the country’s borders erased, which would be dissolutio­n of the country.

Every day from Connecticu­t to California advocates of illegal immigrants denounce as “white supremacis­ts” anyone who calls for restoring ordinary controls on immigratio­n and ordinary security at the borders. Attempting political intimidati­on, these advocates for illegal immigrants are damaging their own cause.

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