The Day

Don’t support anyone who likes Scott Walker


Republican gubernator­ial candidate Tim Herbst should reconsider his plan to mimic Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s attack on unions and workers’ rights, “Tim Herbst ready to go Scott Walker on Connecticu­t labor,” (March 11).

Walker bragged that his war on public employees would stimulate the economy and create jobs, but the Pew Charitable Trust reported that Wisconsin’s middle class was shrinking faster than any other state, with real median household incomes falling nearly $9,000, or 14.7 percent since 2000.

The reasons for this erosion are many, including Walker’s infamous Act 10 law that that stripped unionized state and local workers of most of their bargaining rights, driving down wages, benefits and working conditions.

Herbst should remember that public workers are taxpayers and consumers too. Taking away their freedom to negotiate for a better standard of living will not raise wages or create economic stability.

A recent OxFam report found that more than $8 of every $10 of wealth created last year went to the richest 1 percent of the population. Herbst’s low-road approach will only exacerbate the problem in a state that already suffers from wage and wealth inequality.

Voters should beware of politician­s promising a Wisconsin moment. David Kotecki Montville

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