The Day

Porn star offers sketch of man said to threaten her


Washington — Stormy Daniels injected fresh mystery into the sensationa­l story of the president, the fixer and the porn star on Tuesday, releasing an artist’s sketch of the man she says threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot to stay quiet about her sexual tryst with Donald Trump.

After teasing the reveal for more than a week, the adult film actress appeared on ABC’s “The View” to unveil an image of the man she says menaced her and her young daughter and warned her in 2011 to keep quiet about a 2006 encounter with Trump. Upping the stakes, her attorney, Michael Avenatti, pledged a $100,000 reward for informatio­n leading to the man’s identifica­tion.

While the mad internet scramble to identify the man added to the circus atmosphere surroundin­g the president’s legal troubles, the developmen­t also kept a spotlight on what Trump views as an increasing­ly serious threat: the federal investigat­ion into his longtime image protector.

Daniels says that Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, paid her $130,000 just before the 2016 election to keep quiet about her relationsh­ip with the GOP nominee. The case took on new significan­ce last week when FBI agents raided Cohen’s office, looking for informatio­n on topics including the payment to Daniels. Both Daniels and Cohen were in court in New York City on Monday, as a U.S. District judge heard debate over what should happen to those records.

On Tuesday, Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, said she was speaking out because she was “done being bullied.”

 ?? MICHAEL AVENATTI VIA AP ?? This artist’s drawing purports to show the man that the adult film actress Stormy Daniels says threatened her to remain quiet about her affair with President Donald Trump.
MICHAEL AVENATTI VIA AP This artist’s drawing purports to show the man that the adult film actress Stormy Daniels says threatened her to remain quiet about her affair with President Donald Trump.

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