The Day



The campaigns for state Rep. Holly Cheeseman, R-East Lyme, and Democratic challenger Hugh McKenney have announced endorsemen­ts by their respective parties for the 37th District representi­ng East Lyme and Salem. They also both announced that they raised enough money to qualify for the Citizen’s Election Program, a program that provides candidates with public funding.

Cheeseman, a member of the General Assembly’s Finance, Revenue & Bonding, Energy & Technology and Higher Education & Employment Advancemen­t Committees, said she was unanimousl­y nominated by the 37th District Republican Convention.

Her campaign further announced that Cheeseman raised enough money to qualify for the Citizen’s Election Program. She raised $7,480 from 185 in-district donors, according to a news release.

“I am honored to receive the overwhelmi­ng support of the residents of East Lyme and Salem for my re-election campaign,” she said in a statement. “It has been my honor to be your voice in Hartford and I will continue to work every day to fight for our taxpayers and to ensure a tremendous quality of life for our residents.”

McKenney, a Salem selectman and the former chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Open Space Commission who currently works at Millstone Power Station, announced that he was unanimousl­y endorsed on May 16 at the Democratic Convention for the 37th District.

“His goals are to restore fiscal responsibi­lity while fostering collaborat­ion in Hartford for the residents of the 37th District,” according to a news release from his campaign.

The Democratic candidate for state representa­tive for the 37th District also announced that he qualified for the Citizens’ Election Program. McKenney needed to raise $5,100 and have contributi­ons from 150 residents within the district to qualify for the voluntary program that provides public funding for candidates in statewide and General Assembly elections, according to the release.

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