The Day

Saudi version of killing has skeptics

Turkish, U.S. officials aren’t satisfied by explanatio­n of Khashoggi’s death


Istanbul — A spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling party vowed Saturday that Turkey would “uncover what has happened” to Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, hours after Saudi authoritie­s said that the Washington Post contributi­ng columnist had been killed earlier this month during a fistfight inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

The Saudi explanatio­n — that an argument in the consulate led to a fatal brawl — is at odds with the conclusion­s of Turkish investigat­ors, who believe that Khashoggi was deliberate­ly killed by a team of Saudi agents who were dispatched to Istanbul.

“We don't blame anyone in advance, but we do not consent to this being covered up,” said the ruling party spokesman, Omar Celik, according to the semioffici­al Anadolu news agency.

As Saudi Arabia's closest Arab allies rushed to its defense on Saturday, the results of the Saudi investigat­ion were being greeted with skepticism or derision in other quarters, including by several U.S. lawmakers and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

But Turkey's reaction is being especially closely watched, because of the conflictin­g stories and because Turkish authoritie­s are said to possess evidence, including audio recordings, that could reveal exactly how Khashoggi was killed. Erdogan's government has so far refused to publicly share that evidence, possibly to protect Turkish surveillan­ce methods but also, analysts said, to preserve a measure of leverage over the Saudis and the Trump administra­tion, which has tried to protect its Saudi allies.

Khashoggi, a resident of Virginia, vanished on the afternoon of Oct. 2, after visiting the Saudi Consulate to obtain documents that would allow him to remarry. For weeks, Saudi Arabia had denied any knowledge of his whereabout­s and insisted that he had walked out of the consulate unharmed. The denials became harder to maintain as the Turkish authoritie­s leaked investigat­ive details, many lurid, about the case to the local and internatio­nal news media.

The Saudi story changed early Saturday, when the government acknowledg­ed for the first time that Khashoggi, who had written columns for The Post critical of the Saudi leadership, was dead. Saudi authoritie­s said they had fired five top officials and arrested 18 other Saudi nationals as a result of the preliminar­y investigat­ion. Two of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's close advisers were among those fired.

In a possible attempt to pre-empt Turkey's ongoing criminal investigat­ion, Saudi Arabia's justice minister, Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samaani, on Saturday said Saudi courts had jurisdicti­on over the case because it occurred in a Saudi consulate, which “falls within the sovereignt­y of the Kingdom,” according to a statement posted on the official Saudi Press Agency.

President Donald Trump told reporters Saturday afternoon that he would be speaking with the crown prince very soon and is considerin­g placing sanctions on Saudi Arabia, though preferably not on U.S. sales of arms and other military equipment. “That would hurt us far more than it would ... them,” Trump said.

He said no one in his administra­tion had heard audio or seen video of what transpired in the Saudi consulate nor reviewed transcript­s of any recordings. “I'm not satisfied until we find the answer,” he said, referring to how Khashoggi was killed.

Trump appeared to initially accept the Saudi explanatio­n, but U.S. lawmakers, intelligen­ce officials and foreign policy experts quickly accused the government in Riyadh of a cover-up.

“This is an admission of guilt, but the Saudis still aren't coming clean with the truth,” Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, the ranking Democrat on the Armed Services committee, said in a statement. “The Saudis' latest version of events still isn't credible, and the Trump administra­tion must not be complicit in allowing them to sweep this under the rug.”

“This is an admission of guilt, but the Saudis still aren’t coming clean with the truth.”


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