The Day

Amazon Alexa may have witnessed a murder


Alexa might have been listening, as she almost always is, when Christine Sullivan was stabbed to death in the kitchen of the Farmington, N.H., home where Sullivan lived with her boyfriend on the night of Jan. 27, 2017.

But does Alexa remember any of it?

That’s the question state prosecutor­s are hoping will produce key evidence in the murder case against Timothy Verrill, who is accused of killing Sullivan and her friend, Jenna Pelligrini, over suspicions they were informing police about an alleged drug operation. Prosecutor­s say Alexa, the artificial woman who personifie­s the Amazon Echo smart device, was sitting on the kitchen counter the entire time.

Now, a judge has ordered Amazon to turn over any recordings the Echo device may have made from Jan. 27, the day the women were killed, until Jan. 29, when police discovered them tucked beneath a tarp under the back porch.

“The court finds there is probable cause to believe the server(s) and/or records maintained for or by contain recordings made by the Echo smart speaker from the period of Jan. 27 to Jan. 29, 2017 ... and that such informatio­n contains evidence of crimes committed against Ms. Sullivan, including the attack and possible removal of the body from the kitchen.”

Verrill has pleaded not guilty. His defense attorney could not be immediatel­y reached for comment.

Verrill’s case marks at least the second time Amazon has become entangled in a highstakes murder case in which its device, a task manager activated on voice command, morphs into a de facto witness for the prosecutio­n. (Amazon’s founder, Jeffrey Bezos, owns The Washington Post.)

In a statement to The Post, an Amazon spokespers­on indicated Amazon wouldn’t be turning over the data so easily, appearing to prioritize consumer privacy as it has done in the past.

“Amazon will not release customer informatio­n without a valid and binding legal demand properly served on us,” the spokespers­on said. “Amazon objects to overbroad or otherwise inappropri­ate demands as a matter of course.”

There’s no guarantee that Alexa will turn into a star witness. For the Echo smart device to be activated, typically it has to be prompted by the words “Alexa,” “Computer,” or “Echo” — the “wake words” that cause the device to begin recording.

But if Alexa really were listening, evidence collected so far indicates she would have heard a horrific attack.

Laying out the evidence

Investigat­ors laid out the mostly circumstan­tial evidence against suspect Timothy Verrill during an evidentiar­y bail hearing last summer.

On Jan. 29, Sullivan’s boyfriend, Dean Smoronk, the owner of the house where the women were killed, told police he arrived home from a trip to Florida to find that it had been turned into a crime scene, New Hampshire State Police Sgt. Brian Strong testified during an evidentiar­y bail hearing last summer. Sullivan was nowhere to be found, and so he called 911.

When police arrived, they found blood splattered on the kitchen walls and on the refrigerat­or, Strong said. It was soaked into the mattress in the upstairs bedroom, where police believe Pellegrini was stabbed 43 times.

Verrill had previously lived at the house with Sullivan and Smoronk and had been friends with all of them. Strong revealed under questionin­g from Verrill’s defense attorney that the home where the killings took place was also at the center of an alleged drug traffickin­g empire, Foster’s Daily Democrat reported. Verrill’s attorney, Melissa Davis, suggested that this left open additional avenues for investigat­ion into other suspects, maintainin­g Verrill’s innocence, Foster’s reported.

But prosecutor­s contended that Verrill’s behavior on the night of the murder and in the days following made him the prime suspect.

On the night of the murder, Smoronk, the suspected drug trafficker, received a phone call from Verrill in the early morning hours of Jan. 27: Verrill, Smoronk told police, was concerned Jenna Pellegrini was an informant, Foster’s reported.

In a matter of hours, home surveillan­ce captured Verrill arriving at the home where in a flannel shirt and ball cap, Strong testified during the bail hearing. Within 20 minutes, he was captured attempting to obscure the lens of three of the surveillan­ce cameras before ultimately shutting the system down.

And over the next several days prosecutor­s say he made a series of suspicious trips around town, according to footage by WMUR-TV. He bought cleanup products from a Walmart. He went to go see a priest, and he had “not one, but two breakdowns that take him to the hospital,” the prosecutor said.

Verrill was arrested the day after he traveled to Massachuse­tts for a drug-treatment program Feb. 5, the Rochester Voice reported.

Search warrant

When executing a search warrant, Strong said he found the women’s bodies beneath the tarp and found the knives buried a foot beneath the ground, wrapped in a flannel shirt. The police found a shovel speckled with blood, believed to be Sullivan’s, resting on top of the porch.

And in the kitchen, of course, they found Alexa, and took the device into custody.

The case recalls a 2015 Arkansas murder investigat­ion in which a woman was found dead in a backyard hot tub the morning after the man who lived there, Nate Bates, invited friends over to watch a football game. Bates was soon charged in her death and pleaded not guilty.

Just as in the New Hampshire case, police found Alexa sitting on Bates’s kitchen counter, suspecting she might know something.

Amazon initially resisted law enforcemen­t’s efforts to obtain the potential relevant recordings, as The Post reported in December 2016. In a 91-page brief, Amazon moved to quash the search warrant on First Amendment grounds. It advanced the same argument put forth by Apple in 2015, when the company refused the federal government’s request to unlock the iPhone of the accused San Bernardino shooter for customer privacy reasons.

“Amazon does not seek to obstruct any lawful investigat­ion, but rather seeks to protect the privacy rights of its customers when the government is seeking their data from Amazon, especially when that data may include expressive content protected by the First Amendment,” Amazon wrote in its brief.

Amazon ultimately relented after Bates gave permission for his Amazon Echo to be searched — but it didn’t turn into the linchpin prosecutor­s hoped for: They dropped the charges against Bates in November 2017 after finding that the evidence, including the Echo recordings, supported more than one “reasonable explanatio­n” for the victim’s death.

Tech companies like Amazon, Facebook, Apple with its iPhone and Google with its “Home” device are what a recent article in the Harvard Law Review called “‘surveillan­ce intermedia­ries.’ ...entities that sit between law enforcemen­t agencies and the public’s personal informatio­n, and that have the power to decide just how easy or difficult it will be for law enforcemen­t to access that informatio­n.”

According to the article, there were over 32,000 requests for informatio­n by law enforcemen­t to Facebook alone during a six-month period in 2017.

“While intermedia­ries must comply with statutory and constituti­onal law governing law enforcemen­t requests for informatio­n,” the article noted, “they still hold a large degree of discretion when processing those requests: discretion in how critically they evaluate the legality of requests, in slowing down the process by insisting on procedural­ism, and in minimizing their capacity to respond to legal requests by implementi­ng encryption.”

Verrill’s case is set for trial in May 2019.

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