The Day

Joyce Carol Oates views past via future in latest novel


In Joyce Carol Oates’ future America, history and free thought are off-limits. Thus, high school senior Adriane Strohl is arrested for treasonous speech when it’s revealed that her valedictor­y address is comprised of questions that her classmates haven’t the nerve to ask. While the curious student isn’t “deleted,” as some have been, she’s sent into exile 80 years into the past to the idyllic town of Wainscotia, Wisconsin. Here, Adriane will face the “Hazards of Time Travel.”

Armed with firm rules (no questions, no intimate relationsh­ips, no provision of future knowledge, among others), a fake birth certificat­e, a vague backstory and one box of secondhand clothing, Adriane enters her freshman year at Wainscotia State University. Oates doesn’t squander much print on obvious wonderment­s in this setting. Save for puzzlement over a typewriter and the oddity of witnessing her housemates smoke cigarettes free from worry, Adriane’s biggest surprises comes in the classroom. Here, while struggling to intellectu­ally find her place, she falls in love with a fellow exile, complicati­ng her existence in a myriad ways.

Desperate for intimacy, yet unable to attain it without fear of execution, loneliness suffocates this protagonis­t. All the while, her classes, art and limited relationsh­ips stimulate her thinking in ways she’s never before experience­d, creating a love story wrapped in psychologi­cal turmoil.

Imagery takes a back seat to intellectu­al discourse. While readers receive a clear picture of the university campus where Adriane, now dubbed “Mary Ellen,” resides, showy descriptio­ns are limited. In their place are professors’ lectures along with Adriane’s bewilderme­nt and ever-growing skepticism over her new home.

What starts as a familiar dystopian story line morphs into a tale so perplexing one shouldn’t read this book alone. Cerebral book clubs, clear your calendars.

 ??  ?? “Hazards of Time Travel” (Ecco), by Joyce Carol Oates
“Hazards of Time Travel” (Ecco), by Joyce Carol Oates

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