The Day

Lamont takes on energy battles

New governor inherits other Malloy-era issues


As Gov.-elect Ned Lamont’s Energy Transition Committee began its work late last month, one member held up a cellphone and said if telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell were dropped into Hartford today, he wouldn’t recognize the phone system.

But — the person added — if Thomas Edison were dropped into Hartford today, he’d pretty much find the same electric distributi­on system he invented nearly 140 years ago.

That reality may be something the fledgling Lamont administra­tion wants to heed as it picks up the reins of energy policy from the Malloy administra­tion next month.

The Malloy administra­tion tried for eight years to upend the state’s existing energy paradigm by creating a state energy department and rolling out dozens of programs intended to fight climate change and provide cheaper, cleaner, more reliable energy, as its mantra went.

But the administra­tion’s success was limited by its inability to convince the state’s utilities to substantia­lly alter — let alone abandon — the electricit­y delivery model that has provided them and their investors with financial reward for more than a century.

That mindset, and the persistent standoffs that accompanie­d it, likely will carry over into Gov.-elect Ned Lamont’s administra­tion, leaving the new governor to fight many of the same battles with utilities that dogged the Malloy administra­tion.

It’s possible that Lamont will wind up with the same commission­er at the De-

partment of Energy and Environmen­tal Protection who’s there now. Rob Klee, who has run the department since 2014 after serving as its chief of staff, said this week he is “interested in having a conversati­on” with Lamont.

The only other name to surface as a potential DEEP commission­er is Bill Finch, who, as mayor of Bridgeport, undertook energy transforma­tion policies and who also served on the legislatur­e’s Environmen­t Committee when he was a state representa­tive. According to sources, Finch has met with Lamont to discuss the job.

Lamont also will inherit a number of knotty problems that remain unresolved — a host of outstandin­g policy decisions and rulings, potential backlash from a multiyear battle to keep the Millstone Nuclear Power Station open, and downright anger over the tens of millions of dollars taken from the Green Bank and energy efficiency fund to plug budget holes.

But some of the most consistent frustratio­n has been with the utilities.

“All roads lead essentiall­y to the rapidly failing utility business model — that’s the problem,” said Karl Rabago, executive director of the Pace University Law School Energy and Climate Center. Rabago has run utilities, served as a utility regulator, worked for the U.S. Department of Energy, and has advised Connecticu­t leaders on many energy policies.

He and others believe the longstandi­ng system of central electricit­y generation needs to give way to a modernized, at least partially decentrali­zed, and more efficient grid that values distribute­d generation — electricit­y people provide to themselves, such as rooftop solar power — and values less electricit­y usage, not more.

“Eversource and United Illuminati­ng aren’t moving it along and have been able to slog it down and frustrate it,” Rabago said, observing that neighborin­g states — especially New York and Massachuse­tts — have zoomed past Connecticu­t with innovative clean energy developmen­t and distributi­on in recent years. “I think it’s time for something bold.”

Tony Marone, the CEO of United Illuminati­ng (UI), the smaller of the state’s two utilities, has heard these complaints before. Eversource, the larger utility, declined to speak with the CT Mirror.

“We are not afraid to do bold things, but we need to do bold smart things,” Marone said. “It is important that we not chase after something that seems like the latest and greatest idea, but do things in a very measured approach.”

UI, which in the last few years became a subsidiary of Avangrid — itself an arm of the Spanish energy powerhouse Iberdrola — has embraced some of the modernizat­ion policies offered by the Malloy team. These include ownership of renewable generation, the first generation the utilities have been allowed to own since deregulati­on.

Eversource chose not to do that.

But legislator­s and advocates alike have complained that both companies have steadfastl­y protected their core business model, fighting the details of a laundry list of clean and renewable energy policies as they have wound through the legislatur­e, DEEP and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority.

“It’s always a fight over the next incrementa­l policy change. Do we do X? Or do we go a little bit slow, maybe do X, but study it first? It becomes a very bogged, cautious, incrementa­l change in public policy,” said Chris Phelps of Environmen­t CT. “We have to get to zero-carbon energy or damn close to it by the time a child born today is graduating from college. If we just do incrementa­l, we won’t get there.”

Klee said the utilities have started to come around. “I think over these eight years we’ve already seen some of the evolution and what may have been new and more resistance in the beginning (by utilities) has been turning around in some key places where they see new opportunit­ies in the utility models.”

Even with the utility struggle, Malloy gets generally good marks for his efforts toward groundbrea­king energy strategies to address climate change. And he pretty much started from scratch.

From DEP to DEEP

Malloy came into office with his first environmen­tal commission­er, Dan Esty, and plans already in progress to add an energy component to the existing Department of Environmen­tal Protection. Oil prices were extremely high, in the $100-per-barrel range. Electric rates were high. And while the state had aggressive goals for how much renewable and clean energy it should be using for electricit­y generation, it had no cohesive strategy to accomplish that.

Out of that first legislativ­e session came the formation of DEEP and dozens of first-time energy programs to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

But all that came with growing pains.

“They said the right things and had some consistenc­y with the environmen­tal community in terms of where they said they wanted to go,” said John Humphries, director of the Connecticu­t Roundtable on Climate and Jobs and a member of the Governor’s Council on Climate Change, one of the widely lauded Malloy creations. “But the path of how to get there, there was a lot of disagreeme­nt along the way.”

It would take another year to get the new Green Bank’s residentia­l solar program up and running, and two years before the state’s first-ever energy strategy was in place.

The energy strategy centered on greater use of natural gas instead of oil. While gas is cleaner and cheaper than oil, gas is still a fossil fuel with plenty of greenhouse gas emissions.

The environmen­tal community was incensed. Oil suppliers were incensed. And it turned out that building the pipelines to provide the additional gas was next to impossible because communitie­s across New England refused to allow them. Oil prices also plunged, so while power plants have converted to natural gas — there is little oil and no coal generation to speak of left in New England — there’s still quite a bit of oil used for home heating.

The residentia­l solar program soared, blowing through its program mandate to create 30 megawatts of residentia­l solar power so quickly that it was raised to 300 megawatts or through December 2022, whichever comes first. The Green Bank expects to reach 300 megawatts before the end of 2019.

As of now, more than 31,000 systems have been approved in the Malloy administra­tion alone and a program to specifical­ly target low- and moderate-income homes currently has about the same annual adoption level as the rest of the population.

Since 2011, the state has procured more than 800 megawatts of grid-scale clean or renewable energy throughout the region, including from the state’s first grid-scale solar fields. More — including the state’s initial foray into offshore wind, a bit behind the efforts of neighborin­g states — are in developmen­t, and the winners of a large zero-carbon competitio­n that drew an unpreceden­ted 100 proposals are to be announced before Malloy leaves office.

Nearly 500 megawatts of renewable and clean power also have been approved through an extremely popular program for commercial distribute­d generation. At the same time, however, a significan­t number of approved projects have not been built.

Consumer and business advocates balked at the notion that renewable energy might make electric rates higher even though energy efficiency has kept electric bills low.

“We are laser focused on cost and competitiv­eness,” said Eric Brown of the Connecticu­t Business and Industry Associatio­n, which long has worried that the state’s high energy prices could be pushed even higher by renewable energy, putting the state at a disadvanta­ge for attracting business. “I don’t think the energy marketplac­e is influenced by philosophi­cal epiphanies,” he said. “It’s about dollars and cents.”

The state’s homegrown fuel cell industry, despite building the nation’s first fuel cell gridscale power plant in Bridgeport, lost out on a number of proposals that resulted in layoffs at Fuel Cell Energy, the largest company.

“We were extremely valuable but perhaps under-appreciate­d,” said Frank Wolak, Fuel Cell Energy’s vice president of sales, Americas.

Tropical Storm Irene hit in August 2011, followed by a devastatin­g blizzard that October and Superstorm Sandy the following year. Hundreds of thousands lost power during each storm, many for a week or more. Those experience­s became a driving force in Connecticu­t energy policy and DEEP began looking seriously at ways to decentrali­ze power delivery so it wouldn’t happen again.

State officials zeroed in on microgrids, small systems that could operate independen­tly if the grid were to go down. Fuel cells were considered ideal. But utilities were more interested in trimming trees to keep them off power lines, not systems that might cost them revenue while using their wires and poles.

Pilot projects were all the utilities would agree to and while a few microgrids have been built, they haven’t taken off as envisioned.

“The utilities have to embrace the change or else it will just simply go on around them,” Wolak warned.

But by far the biggest flashpoint pitting utilities against clean energy advocates involved solar, with utilities pushing back against shared solar, which allows homeowners who can’t put solar on their own roofs to still get it from another location. And there were battles over other ways businesses could use clean energy generated in another location.

Lamont will inherit the still unresolved and most divisive issue of all: how to compensate people with solar systems for the excess power their systems make during certain times of the day. Connecticu­t has been using what’s known as retail rate net metering. System owners are paid the going retail rate for whatever extra power they put into the grid during the day. Their bill reflects what they use, minus what they sell.

Connecticu­t’s utilities, like many nationwide, along with consumer advocates have argued this causes a “cost shift” — that people without solar power will wind up subsidizin­g people who have it by paying higher fees to maintain the transmissi­on and delivery systems.

This argument has flared again and again, with renewable energy advocates brandishin­g studies showing how renewable energy lowers, not raises, grid maintenanc­e costs so that non-solar owners benefit from solar on other homes.

The updated Comprehens­ive Strategy released by DEEP earlier this year does away with net metering, a provision that threatened to kill the implementa­tion legislatio­n and now is being hashed out at PURA. A new plan is so far behind that an interim system will have to be put in place. Environmen­tal advocates would like to revisit net metering in the next legislativ­e session.

Lamont also will inherit two other extremely touchy issues from Malloy, both of which sidetracke­d the legislatur­e and the administra­tion for the better part of two sessions.

One was the battle over whether to, in essence, bail out the Millstone Nuclear Power Station and its 2,100 megawatts of power. Dominion, Millstone’s owner, is being allowed to compete as a carbon-free energy source in the current zero-carbon competitio­n. Win or lose, there will be complaints.

The other is the sweeps that took roughly $160 million over two years from the energy efficiency fund and the Green Bank to plug state budget holes, with negative consequenc­es for both. The legality of those sweeps still is being fought out in court.

Even without Malloy’s leftover problems, the Lamont transition team — which would not make anyone available to speak to the CT Mirror — already is catching blowback despite a full-throated climate change and renewable energy policy in his campaign literature.

From Malloy to Lamont

Lamont’s goals broadly mirror those of the Malloy administra­tion, with a few more aggressive targets.

He wants to get greenhouse gas emissions to carbon-neutral and the state’s energy portfolio to 100 percent renewable, both by 2050. He is calling for internal carbon pricing for state and local government­s and for all new homes and buildings to be zero-carbon by 2035.

He also has come down forcefully against future energy fund sweeps but does not offer any specifics on how to reach those goals or how to convince the utilities that any of this is worth supporting.

While calling Lamont’s ideas for “Addressing Climate Change and Expanding Renewable Energy” bold and assertive on one hand, many members of the state’s environmen­tal advocacy community found it strikingly familiar, since much of it was drawn from their joint Climate Change Action Agenda in 2017. At least one part was lifted verbatim.

Some also bristled when Lamont’s 19-member Steering Committee included a person from Eversource but no environmen­tal advocate. And a number looked warily at the large and potentiall­y unwieldy Energy Transition Committee tasked with working through the many complicate­d policies and coming up with priorities in a very short period of time.

That committee’s work is due to be unveiled as a twopage document on Monday. Members of the committee declined to speak to the CT Mirror, saying Lamont’s team instructed them to not talk to the media.

Klee has his own thoughts on where the Lamont administra­tion should focus. First is the intersecti­on of climate and energy and being a national leader against rollbacks by the Trump administra­tion. Transporta­tion is another, pushing electric vehicle adoption and making sure the grid and utilities are ready for the influx. A third is to guard against more funding sweeps.

Lamont may find himself with more room to do all of the above than Malloy had, especially the last few years. While he will have similar economic pressures, Lamont will have a stronger Democratic majority in both legislativ­e chambers that probably will be less inclined to compromise with either the Republican­s or the utilities.

Ken Gillingham, an environmen­tal economist at Yale and a senior economist for energy and the environmen­t at the White House Council of Economic Advisers during the Obama administra­tion, said he would like to see a less antagonist­ic relationsh­ip with utilities.

That will probably take some sort of regulatory and incentive process to help shift the utility business model to one that would also accommodat­e a smarter, more dynamic and flexible grid, Gillingham said.

“I think there’s a very high likelihood that that’s what’s going to be happening over the next few years, as sad as it is to say,” he said. “I just worry that there’s so much tension built up over the last several years and a lot of the same players are going to be sitting in the room again who don’t trust each other. I would love it if we could get past it.”

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