The Day

Federal judge: Obama health-care law unconstitu­tional


A federal judge in Texas threw a dagger into the Affordable Care Act on Friday, ruling that the entire health-care law is unconstitu­tional because of a recent change in federal tax law.

The opinion by U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor overturns all of the sprawling law nationwide.

The ruling came on the eve of the deadline for Americans to sign up for coverage in the federal insurance exchange created under the law.

Since the suit was filed in January, many health-law specialist­s have viewed its logic as weak but neverthele­ss have regarded the case as the greatest looming legal threat to the 2010 law, which has been a GOP whipping post ever since and assailed repeatedly in the courts.

The Supreme Court upheld the law as constituti­onal in 2012 and 2015, though the first of those opinions struck down the ACA’s provision that was to expand Medicaid nationwide, letting each state choose instead. No matter how O’Connor ruled, legal experts have been forecastin­g that the Texas case would be appealed and could well place the law again before the high court, giving its conservati­ve newest member, Justice Brett Kavenaugh, a first opportunit­y to take part.

O’Connor is a conservati­ve judge on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. He was appointed by President George W. Bush. O’Connor ruled once before on an issue arising from the ACA, issuing a nationwide injunction two years ago on an Obama administra­tion rule that forbid providers of health care to discrimina­te based on gender identity.

And in June, the administra­tion took the unusual step of telling the court that it will not defend the ACA against this latest challenge. Typically, the executive branches argues to uphold existing statutes in court cases.

The lawsuit was initiated by Texas’s attorney general Ken Paxton, who describes himself as a tea party conservati­ve, with support from 18 GOP counterpar­ts and a governor. The plaintiffs argue that the entire ACA is invalid. They trace their argument to the Supreme Court’s 2012 ruling in which Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority that the penalty the law created for Americans who do not carry health insurance is constituti­onal because Congress “does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance.”

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