The Day

Louie’s new pursuit

Thursday, March 14, 2019


“Bridge is frustratin­g,” Unlucky Louie told me. “I’m seeking other intellectu­al pursuits. I’m joining a Scrabble club.” “Is it open to anyone?” I asked. “No,” Louie said, “but the membership chairman said he would put in a good word for me.”

Maybe Louie will do better at Scrabble than at bridge. Against today’s four spades, West led the jack of hearts: queen, king, ace. As declarer, Louie led a trump to dummy’s king and a trump to his jack. When the finesse won, Louie took the ace and started the clubs. But West had a singleton, and Louie lost two diamonds and two hearts.


“Maybe I’ll get a triple-word score for ‘fizzle,’” Louie sighed.

Louie’s play fizzled. He must lead a club to dummy’s queen at Trick Two, return a trump to his jack and cash the ace. He then leads the ace of clubs. If clubs broke 3-2, Louie could claim an overtrick. As it is, he can take the king of clubs, ruff a club and go to the king of trumps to cash the good club for his 10th trick.


You hold: ♠ Q 10 9 ♥ K7 6 ♦ A 6 3 ♣ J 10 9 4. Your partner opens one club, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: To raise to two clubs is possible (although if your partnershi­p uses “inverted” minor-suit raises, this hand is a problem because it’s neither strong nor weak). Most experts would choose a response of 1NT as the most descriptiv­e action. In many partnershi­ps, that call promises a balanced nine to 11 points. South dealer N-S vulnerable

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