The Day

A major finding, but release full Mueller report


There are many reasons to criticize the presidency of Donald Trump. Allegation­s of misconduct, potentiall­y criminal, will continue to dog him. Being a traitor, however, cannot be counted among them.

“The Special Counsel’s investigat­ion did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinate­d with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election,” writes Attorney General William Barr in his summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interferen­ce in the election.

This is good news for the country. If Mueller had found evidence of coordinati­on between the Trump organizati­on and Russian operatives to turn the election in Trump’s favor it would have plunged the nation into a constituti­onal crisis unpreceden­ted in its history.

The finding also takes talk of impeachmen­t off the table. Only evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and agents of Russia would have risen to the level of misconduct so severe to potentiall­y obtain both impeachmen­t in the Democrat-controlled House and conviction in the Republican-controlled Senate. Trump’s oft-repeated chant, “No collusion,” has been affirmed.

Barring something unexpected, Trump will continue his term and the judgment whether he deserves a second will be made by the voters in November 2020.

For numerous reasons, however, the full Mueller report and the documents and evidence accumulate­d in support of it should be released to Congress and the American people. Given the scope of the two-year investigat­ion — a team of 40 FBI agents, about half as many lawyers, about 2,800 subpoenas and 500 search warrants, the interviewi­ng of roughly 500 witnesses — a four-page summary from the attorney general will not suffice. On that both Democrats and Republican­s, and even the president, have agreed.

Some informatio­n blocked by grand jury secrecy rules or classified due to national security reasons may have to be redacted from the publicly released report, but Barr should release as much as he can, as promised in his summary letter to Congress. And the appropriat­e congressio­nal committees, with security clearance, should receive a fuller accounting.

Most importantl­y, the nation needs to know what Mueller found out about the nature and extent of the Russian meddling in the election, informatio­n that could be critical in defending against such mischief moving forward. The integrity of our elections is at issue.

The public and Congress also need a fuller understand­ing of Mueller’s ambiguous conclusion­s concerning potential obstructio­n of justice by the president. According to Barr’s summary, on the crime of obstructio­n Mueller’s report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Also according to Barr, the Trump campaign did not work with the Russians “despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individual­s to assist the Trump campaign.” What was the nature of these offers and what was the response of the Trump campaign?

Did Mueller find informatio­n on why Russia favored Trump in its campaign of disinforma­tion and the hacking of Democratic Party communicat­ions?

Some on the political right and within the president’s orbit have alleged that an effort to try to link Trump to Russian campaign meddling, dating back to the administra­tion of President Obama, was motivated by partisan politics. What did the Mueller investigat­ion and the documents it collected demonstrat­e on that point?

While the Mueller investigat­ion “did not establish” collusion, neither has Trump received the “complete exoneratio­n” he claimed in a tweet. In addition to the vagueness surroundin­g potential obstructio­n, investigat­ions in New York continue about the hush money paid in the final weeks of the campaign to keep Trump’s affairs quiet, in apparent violation of campaign spending disclosure laws. Federal prosecutor­s there are also asking questions about the dealings of the inaugural committee and concerning various business transactio­ns. Any indictment­s, however, would likely come after Trump’s time in office.

Congress must do its due diligence in assessing the Mueller findings and those disclosure­s should be part of the public policy debate. But it should not be allowed to dominate the body politic to the exclusion of other policy matters. Such issues as fixing our health care system, reversing the erosion of the middle class, assuring the solvency of Social Security and addressing runaway federal debt are vitally important to the everyday lives of Americans.

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