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Pelosi, Warren defend Omar, blame Trump in 9/11 dispute


Washington (AP) — Top Democrats on Saturday rushed to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar after President Donald Trump retweeted a video that was edited to suggest she was being dismissive of the significan­ce of the worst terrorist assault on U.S. soil.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi scolded Trump for using the “painful images of 9/11 for a political attack” against the first-term Minnesota Democrat.

And presidenti­al candidate Elizabeth Warren, campaignin­g in New Hampshire, accused Trump of “trying to incite violence and to divide us, and every political leader should speak out against that.”

The video Trump retweeted Friday pulls a snippet of Omar’s recent speech to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, in which she described the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center as “some people did something,” and includes news footage of the hijacked planes hitting the Twin Towers. Trump also tweeted, “WE WILL NEVER FORGET!”

Omar’s remark has drawn criticism largely from political opponents and conservati­ves who say the lawmaker, one of the first Muslim women to serve in Congress, offered a flippant descriptio­n of the assailants and the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Neither Trump’s tweet nor the video included her full quote or the context of her comments.

Omar told CAIR in Los Angeles that many Muslims saw their civil liberties eroded after the attacks, and she advocated for activism.

“For far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and, frankly, I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it,” she said in the March 23 speech, according to video posted online. “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”

CAIR was founded in 1994, according to its website, but its membership skyrockete­d after the attacks.

Many Republican­s and conservati­ve outlets expressed outrage at Omar’s remarks. Fellow Democrats, including some who have disagreed with Omar in the past, defended her.

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