The Day

Trump tells NRA he won’t pursue universal checks for gun buyers

He will concentrat­e on ‘red flag’ laws


President Donald Trump talked Tuesday with National Rifle Associatio­n chief executive Wayne LaPierre and assured him that universal background checks were off the table, according to several people familiar with the call.

Trump told LaPierre that the White House remained interested in proposals that would address weapons getting into the hands of the mentally ill, including the possibilit­y of backing so-called “red flag” laws that would allow the police to temporaril­y confiscate guns from people who have been shown to be a danger to themselves or others.

Nonetheles­s, the president’s conversati­on with LaPierre further reduced hopes that major new gun-safety measures will be enacted after the latest round of mass shootings.

“I know the gun lobby is putting the full court press on everyone surroundin­g the president,” said Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., who said he was hoping for a process to be set up this week to move forward on a bipartisan background­s check bill. “I have not received any different signal than I got last week,” he said.

But while the president was at Bedminster, N.J., last week, NRA officials repeatedly talked to him, according to people familiar with those conversati­ons. It seems the conversati­ons were effective, which may further fuel public anger on the topic.

“Every time he raises expectatio­ns, then he clearly and publicly walks away from the commitment­s he made, it makes the lives of Republican­s more miserable,” Murphy said.

A spokesman for another Democratic senator advocating background checks, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said he has not been told to stand down by the White House.

In the days after the shootings in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, Trump inspired hope among gun-control advocates noting “there is a great appetite” for tightening background checks on people who buy firearms.

Federal legislatio­n mandating background checks has been opposed by the NRA in the past. After the latest shootings, officials across the country called for expanding background checks to cover all gun buy

ers, including those making purchases at gun shows. With the NRA in some disarray following complaints of mismanagem­ent, there was some hope in the gun-control community that Trump might defy the politicall­y powerful organizati­on.

After hearing from NRA leaders over the past week, the president stopped talking about institutin­g such checks, emphasizin­g instead the need to keep guns away from people who are mentally disturbed. He noted in recent days that the country already has “very strong background checks,” a position that aligns with that of the NRA leadership.

For his part, LaPierre seemed pleased with his conversati­on with Trump. “I spoke to the president today,” he wrote on Twitter. “We discussed the best ways to prevent these types of tragedies. President Trump is a strong 2A President and supports our Right to Keep and Bear Arms!”

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