The Day

West Nile virus:


Mosquitoes in Groton and North Stonington have tested positive for the West Nile virus.

Ledge Light Health District announced Tuesday that mosquitoes trapped in Groton on Aug. 8 and North Stonington on Aug. 12, near the Stonington town line at Shunock Brook, have tested positive for West Nile virus.

“Although positive WNV mosquitoes are normally expected during the summer months, their presence serves as a reminder for residents to take standard precaution­s to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes,” Ledge Light said in a news release.

Ledge Light offered the following precaution­s to avoid mosquito bites:

Minimize time outdoors at dusk and dawn.

Make sure door and window screens are tight-fitting and in good repair.

While outdoors, wear shoes, socks, long pants and longsleeve­d shirts and use tightly woven clothing material.

Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors.

Consider using mosquito repellent when it is necessary to be outdoors and use them according to label instructio­ns. The most effective repellents contain DEET or Picaridin, and oil of lemon eucalyptus also is effective for brief periods of exposure.

When using DEET, use the lowest concentrat­ion effective for the time spent outdoors (for example, 6 percent lasts approximat­ely 2 hours and 20 percent for 4 hours) and wash treated skin when returning indoors. Do not apply under clothing, to wounds or irritated skin, the hands of children, or to infants younger than 2 months old.

Measures to reduce mosquitoes around the home include:

Dispose of water-holding containers, including ceramic pots, used tires and tire swings.

Drill holes in the bottom of containers, including recycling bins. Clean clogged roof gutters. Turn over objects that may trap water when not in use, including wading pools and wheelbarro­ws.

Change water in birdbaths weekly.

Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, and cover pools when not in use.

Use landscapin­g to eliminate areas where water can collect.

Additional informatio­n can be found at

Ledge Light Health District has a supply of larvacidal briquettes that can be used to treat standing water on private property and prevent mosquitoes from developing into adults. Residents of municipali­ties served by Ledge Light Health District may request treatment on their property by calling Joseph Blanchard at (860) 448-4882, ext. 1308.

“The treatment of stagnant water with larvacide, coupled with the additional protective measures listed above, will significan­tly reduce the potential for West Nile Virus transmissi­on,” Ledge Light said.

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