The Day

Poll: Most Americans favor Trump impeachmen­t inquiry


A majority of Americans say they endorse the decision by House Democrats to begin an impeachmen­t inquiry of President Donald Trump, and nearly half of all adults also say the House should take the additional step and recommend the president be removed from office, according to a Washington Post-Schar School poll.

The findings indicate that public opinion has shifted quickly against the president and in favor of impeachmen­t proceeding­s in recent weeks as informatio­n has been released about Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukrainian government officials to undertake an investigat­ion into former Vice President Joe Biden, a potential 2020 campaign rival, and Biden’s son Hunter.

Previous Post-Schar School or Post-ABC News polls taken at different points throughout this year found majorities of Americans opposing the start of an impeachmen­t proceeding, with 37 percent to 41 percent saying they favored such a step. The recent revelation­s appear to have prompted many Americans to rethink their position.

The poll finds that, by a margin of 58 percent to 38 percent, Americans say the House was correct to undertake the inquiry. Among all adults, 49 percent say the House should take the more significan­t step to impeach the president and call for his removal from office. Another 6 percent say they back the start of the inquiry but do not favor removing Trump from office, with the remainder undecided about the president’s ultimate fate. The results among registered voters are almost identical.

The findings highlight the partisan divisions that surround the Trump presidency and any impeachmen­t inquiry, but also the degree to which there are defections among Republican­s.

More than 8 in 10 Democrats endorse the inquiry and nearly 8 in 10 favor a vote to recommend that Trump be removed from office. Among Republican­s, roughly 7 in 10 do not support the inquiry but almost 3 in 10 do, and almost one-fifth of Republican­s say they favor a vote recommendi­ng his removal.

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