The Day

Supremes renew cultural wars as 2020 looms


W atch out what you wish for, Republican Party. By stealing one Supreme Court seat when the Republican Senate refused to fill a court vacancy throughout the last year of President Barack Obama’s presidency, and as a result of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, Republican­s and President Trump have been able to stack a strong conservati­ve majority on the court.

This means conservati­ves could be in for a series of victories in the cultural wars. The nation should soon know. Beginning its first full term since Kennedy’s exit, the high court started hearing cases this month. Decisions will be handed down next summer.

That means they will arrive as the 2020 presidenti­al and congressio­nal elections are getting into full swing. If conservati­ves get the rulings they seek, it will force Republican­s to swim against the currents in modern American politics, putting them particular­ly out of sync with much of the millennial generation. In toss-up states, such “victories” could drag down Republican prospects like ancient artifacts tied around their collective necks.

But in the process much damage would be done, and years would be needed to rebalance the federal courts and stop the decisions that reverse rights for certain groups. Our desire is that enough conservati­ve justices will make the right and fair decisions, not the expected ones.

Let us begin with three consolidat­ed cases involving protection­s, or lack thereof, for samesex and transgende­r individual­s. The Obama administra­tion acted on the conclusion that Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act — which bars employers from firing, harassing or otherwise discrimina­ting against an employee “because of (the person’s) sex” — includes the protection of LGBT people.

The nation is largely moving past this cultural battle. Most Americans took in stride, if not outright applauded, the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision — authored by Kennedy — that establishe­d a constituti­onal right to samesex marriage. Most people want to live and let live.

But apparently not the Trump administra­tion or the cultural conservati­ves cheering it on. They want the Supremes to rule that the civil rights law provides no such protection, leaving LGBT individual­s in many states unprotecte­d from discrimina­tion for who they are (not Connecticu­t, thankfully, which provides such protection­s under state law).

The Supreme Court has combined three cases — two involving gay men fired because of their sexual orientatio­n and a transgende­r woman terminated after her boss learned she was transition­ing from male to female. The court should uphold the civil rights protection­s.

But if the Trump administra­tion position prevails, good luck to Republican­s trying to defend to voters in toss-up states a turn-backthe-clock ruling.

Then there is the effort by President Trump to reverse President Barrack Obama’s 2012 executive order protecting so-called Dreamers, the roughly 700,000 young men and women illegally brought to the United States as children, but who have otherwise been law-abiding residents. Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program has protected these undocument­ed immigrants as they pursued higher educations and jobs.

Trump is asking the court to rule that Obama exceeded his authority and to effectivel­y nullify DACA and the protection­s it provides. Trump could, of course, rescind Obama’s executive order with his own, but apparently fears that would be politicall­y unpopular. Most Americans agree with the former president that the Dreamers deserve a chance to pursue their dreams free of the fear of being deported to countries they do not know.

Republican­s should have no expectatio­ns that by letting the Supreme Court do Trump’s dirty work they will escape a political backlash. They won’t.

In any event, the court should uphold the constituti­onality of Obama’s order, which fell within a president’s discretion to set priorities in the enforcemen­t of immigratio­n law.

Finally, there is the case involving a Louisiana law requiring that doctors who perform abortions have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the procedure. The plaintiffs argue it is a sham law to make it much more difficult for woman to obtain abortions.

The Louisiana law clearly violates the protection­s provided by the Roe v. Wade decision. The Supreme Court recognized that just three years ago in striking down much of a similar law in Texas. But with Kennedy gone, could the court be preparing to undermine Roe?

That is a long-sought conservati­ve goal but one which, if achieved, could prove poisonous to Republican prospects in 2020.

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