The Day



Norwich — Back-to-back debates for Norwich Board of Education and City Council candidates will be held beginning at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, at Slater Auditorium at Norwich Free Academy, 305 Broadway.

The doors of Slater Auditorium will open at 5 p.m., and the Norwich Board of Education debate will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. The Norwich City Council debate immediatel­y will follow the first debate and run for 90 minutes. There are 11 candidates running for Board of Education and 13 running for City Council.

The debates are co-sponsored by the NFA Office of Diversity, NAACP Robertsine Duncan Youth Council, NFA Debate Team, Norwich Creates and League of Women Voters of Southeaste­rn Connecticu­t.

Those who would like to submit questions for the candidates may do so by writing the question on provided index cards and handing them to the appropriat­e student or League of Women Voters member before or during the debates. No questions will be accepted verbally from the audience during the debates.

Audience members should not wear clothing, carry signs or demonstrat­e any other form of support for a certain candidate or party in the debate hall. Verbalizat­ion and applause are welcome at the conclusion of the debate. Applause during the debate reduces that candidate’s speaking time.

Candidates’ campaigns may place informatio­nal materials outside of the debate space.

The event is free and open to the public. For more informatio­n, contact Shiela Hayes, NAACP youth council adviser, at sshnaacp@

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