The Day

Graham launches probe into Bidens, Burisma and Ukraine


Washington — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday requesting documents related to former Vice President Joe Biden and his communicat­ions with Ukrainian officials, a step seen as a GOP effort to counter the House impeachmen­t investigat­ion of President Donald Trump.

The inquiry by Graham, R-S.C., is focused on any calls Biden may have had with Petro Poroshenko, then the Ukrainian president, regarding the firing of the country’s top prosecutor, as well as any that referenced an investigat­ion of Burisma, the Ukrainian natural-gas company that employed Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

Graham’s document request suggests he is seeking to legitimize Trump’s accusation­s that Biden, then vice president, put pressure on Ukraine to fire its lead prosecutor to protect his son, a claim without evidence that has been disputed by officials familiar with the investigat­ion.

Graham, one of Trump’s fiercest defenders on Capitol Hill, told The Washington Post in late October that he was under intense pressure to launch an investigat­ion into Biden by Trump and his allies.

But he said he would not “turn the

Senate into a circus” and would instead focus his committee’s work on the investigat­ion into the Justice Department’s launch of the Russia investigat­ion.

Taylor Reidy, a spokeswoma­n for Graham, said the senator is now seeking the documents because “Adam Schiff and the House Intel Committee have made it clear they will not look into the issues about Hunter Biden and Burisma.” Rep. Schiff, D-Calif., is chairman of the House Intelligen­ce Committee.

“Graham is requesting documents which could shed additional light on that issue and hopes they will be able to answer some of the outstandin­g questions,” she said.

In Graham’s letter to Pompeo — seemingly timed to coincide with the conclusion of the public impeachmen­t-inquiry hearings in the House — he asks for communicat­ions between Joe Biden and Poroshenko as well as any between Devon Archer, a business partner of Hunter Biden’s, and then-Secretary of State John Kerry on March 2, 2016, based on reporting that the two were scheduled to meet that day.

A former Kerry aide, who requested anonymity to speak about a private meeting, said that the meeting was “100 percent unrelated to Burisma” and included “no mention of business.” The aide characteri­zed the meeting as a “courtesy hello to a 2004 alumni” of Kerry’s presidenti­al campaign.

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