The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Playing the players

- By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

The element of psychology in bridge may less potent than in poker. At a bridge tournament, you may face unfamiliar opponents whose tendencies are unknown to you. But in a duplicate game at your club against longtime rivals, you can consider your opponents’ ability on defense and your partner’s skill as declarer when evaluating your hand.

In today’s deal, South signed off at three hearts, and North’s raise to four was undiscipli­ned. North had one excuse: He could rely on East-West to miss the best defense.

West did lead a trump as the bidding demanded, but when South won in dummy and led a spade, East dashed up with his ace to lead a second trump. South won, ruffed a spade with dummy’s last trump and led a club. East won with the ten and led the king of diamonds, but South took dummy’s ace, ruffed a club, drew the missing trump and took the K-Q of spades. His last spade was a winner, and he lost only a diamond. “Making four, pard?” North noted. North knew his customers; East’s defense was foolish. Since South was marked with five spades and dummy had only two trumps left, East didn’t need to grab his ace of spades. If he plays low, South can win and ruff a spade in dummy but is stuck there. The defense will get in to lead a second trump, and South will have four losers.

Bridge is played extensivel­y on internet sites such as Bridge Base Online. Online play has many benefits, but the psychologi­cal playing-theplayers aspect is diminished. North dealer N-S vulnerable

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