The Day

Bolton willing to testify if subpoenaed


Washington — Former White House national security adviser John Bolton said Monday that he is “prepared to testify” if he is subpoenaed by the Senate in its impeachmen­t trial of President Donald Trump, a surprise statement that bolstered Democrats in their push for new witnesses.

Bolton, who left the White House in September, said that he has weighed the issues of executive privilege and that after “careful considerat­ion and study” decided that he would comply with any Senate subpoena.

“If the Senate issues a subpoena for my testimony, I am prepared to testify,” he said in a statement.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has publicly expressed resistance to calling new witnesses in the upcoming trial, though Democrats are pressing to hear from Bolton and others who did not appear before the House in its impeachmen­t inquiry.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has stalled the transmissi­on of Housepasse­d articles of impeachmen­t against Trump in a bid for that witness testimony. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer has proposed calling several witnesses, including Bolton and White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, but McConnell has so far rejected Schumer’s terms.

It is uncertain when Pelosi will eventually send the articles to the Senate. If she decides to do so in the coming days, a trial could start as soon as this week.

In a tweet Monday, Pelosi did not address the timing. But she said Trump and McConnell have “run out of excuses” for not calling witnesses or producing documents Trump has blocked.

It’s unclear whether Bolton’s testimony would hurt or help the president. The two clashed while he was in the White House and offered differing versions of whether he resigned or was fired when he left office in September.

If Bolton were to appear, his testimony would give Congress and the public a highly anticipate­d, first-hand account from a Trump senior adviser who was present for key moments that have been described by others.

He’d almost certainly be asked, for instance, about a comment he was reported to have made to another White House adviser that he did not want to be “part of whatever drug deal” European Union ambassador Gordon Sondland and Mulvaney were “cooking up” as Trump pressured Ukraine to investigat­e Democrats.

That pressure, as Trump was withholdin­g security aid to Ukraine, was at the heart of the inquiry in the House, which voted to impeach Trump on Dec. 18.

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