The Day

Downhill run


“I think my game is going downhill,” a club player told me sadly. “Why so?” “Everything I do,” he said, “feels like I’m going uphill.”

My friend was declarer at today’s 3NT, and West led the ten of spades in deference to East’s opening bid.

“I won with the queen,” my friend said, “and let the queen of clubs ride.”

“The finesse wasn’t a favorite when East had opened the bidding,” I observed.

“East won,” declarer sighed, “and forced out my ace of spades. I could take only eight tricks before he got in with the ace of diamonds and beat me with good spades.”


South’s play made succeeding at 3NT uphill work. East is sure to have the ace of diamonds on the bidding and probably the king of clubs, but West may have the queen of diamonds. At Trick Two, South should let the eight of diamonds ride.

East takes the ace to continue spades, but declarer wins and repeats the diamond finesse. He can win three diamonds, two spades, three hearts and two clubs on an end play.


You hold: ♠ AQ5 ♥ AQ5 10 8 3 ♣ Q J 7 6. After two ♦ passes, the player at your right opens one spade. South in today’s deal overcalled 1NT with this hand. Do you agree with that action?

ANSWER: Personally, I wouldn’t have been as brave. If the North and West hands had been exchanged, South would have gone down a few at 1NT doubled. I would have passed. I like 1NT overcalls to contain a point or two more as well as a possible source of tricks. West dealer Both sides vulnerable

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